[DSG] Crimson Star: Nearing Completion + Contest

Posted by DSG on Jan. 20, 2008, 11:24 p.m.


Because I've entered the badge contest with a homogenious, ample array of crisply shaded, sharply pixeled badges with more waiting to be made.


I've been working on a game that is a culmination of all I've wanted to do. I'm near solidly set on finishing this game. You may have read alittle on it already under my projects. I hope that in a near future, I will be releasing:


A FEW SCREENS: [Just wait until you hear the soundtrack]


"Sytro, a lone explorer of the universe, sails aimlessly through the heavens in whatever direction the stars take him. Without a place to call home, Sytro travels from world to world in the spirit of exploration.

However, One fateful voyage would place Sytro in grave danger. Due to a malfunction of his ship, He slams through an asteroid field that damages his ship forcing him to land on a nearby double planet system. These planets that seemed to dance in eternal harmony as they orbited around each other would hold more than their enherited beauty. On these two planets that shared an unbreakable bond, Sytro would discover an environment of shear fantasy… and perilous adventure… for as he would soon discover his epic mission: to obtain the Crimson Star"

Feeling good about this one. =D


Arcalyth 17 years, 1 month ago

Nice badges.

Although I just realized there's absolutely no progression on them, and that they're just the same thing with a different number on them XD.

The sets in the middle of the image are nice though.

Lethal 17 years, 1 month ago

Very cool badges! Awesome work! Things like popularity and blog view badges could use more variation. Maybe different colors a few more symblos. for example, blog view badges could become a differnent base picture after 5. The repeat for all 30. And your game looks amazing, as usual. You are absolutely one of the best at GM there is, but you really need to just finish something. Still you rock! And your sotryline is very Metroid, I like it.

DSG 17 years, 1 month ago

@Lethal: I deeply appreciate your comment. This game is deeply influenced by Metroid Prime 1 and by the other games of the Metroid Series. Thank you for noticing that =D

Bryan 17 years, 1 month ago

<3 the badges

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 1 month ago

Stop de-1337ing your stuff.

Lethal 17 years, 1 month ago

Seriously though, look at your game. Its fuckin gorgeous. Its basically unchallenged.

stampede 17 years, 1 month ago

Badges are well made, but boring. More colors please.

Nice graphics in that game. And this time, I'm not going to say anything about finishing it. Oops.

OL 17 years, 1 month ago

Nice work.

JW 17 years, 1 month ago

That game looks hawt emo.

WaleedAmer 17 years, 1 month ago

Woah, nice badges man!

That is a really nice logo for Crimson Star, but the "Star" is too dark and hard to see. Nice glossy look though.

Also, what font did you use to describe your screenshots?

I could use it for a game of mine.

Overall, I'm impressed. =)