[DSG] Fun Stuff

Posted by DSG on Feb. 6, 2008, 9:45 p.m.



Ha… truth or dare. My freind Lauren was like "truth or dare" and I said DARE so she dared me to sing loudly in front of the one class we share, CREATIVE WRITING. Crazy dare right? Well, I think so given the fact that I can hardly WHISPER in that class without getting bitched at. Anyway she was like now u get 2 ask me… and I said TRUTH OR DARE. She sais TRUTH; so I asked her who she wanted to hook up with most in the class, and she said WILL [obviously, this kid in the class she was 'crushing' on lol] and I said "Oh… ok… and such will be the subject of my song" =D oh the tides they have turned hahahaha I can't wait for tomarrow [/filler]


I like it. =P It was only $60 with the 2 year upgrade on my plan.


Remember how I make techno? YES, I DO.

Anyway, I havn't been recently =[ Ive made a few cool songs like APOLOGY and a few others not on my page like this one called UNDEAD [perfect zombie killing music hence the name]


I've had my 2nd semester classes for a week now, but I thought I'd mention I LOVE MY CLASSMATES! Nobody hates me lol and I can freely talk to mostly anyone and crack jokes and stuff. Its a liberating feeling. There isn't a single kid I hate in my government class and I talk 2 all the cool kids lol hell, I AM one of the cool kids in there. I love it. And the very cute girl that sits next to me is really nice, we might hang out some pretty soon =D I'd like to get to know her better… She's not the only cute girl in that class either, there are quite a few, and they're all chill and down to earth and fun to talk to =D It's cool the only down-side is our teacher. His name is Mr. Buddington… he's a really cool guy and a cool teacher but he doen't let me talk lol and in that class thats HARD. I've made a ton of freinds in there and a few I already know are in there.


Shit's been busy. Havn't worked on it at all =/


Almost makes me want to focus on that BUT I made a promise to finish crimson star. Eh.

MAYBE more soon.


F1ak3r 17 years ago

That was an awesome truth or dare story.

Gotta love it when people work against themselves.

Theodore III 17 years ago

nice one with the singing, i didnt see that one coming =D

poultry 17 years ago



Shit's been busy. Havn't worked on it at all =/


pfft, fool.

firestormx 17 years ago

Shade Shifter. =)

DSG 17 years ago

damn right