Ha… truth or dare. My freind Lauren was like "truth or dare" and I said DARE so she dared me to sing loudly in front of the one class we share, CREATIVE WRITING. Crazy dare right? Well, I think so given the fact that I can hardly WHISPER in that class without getting bitched at. Anyway she was like now u get 2 ask me… and I said TRUTH OR DARE. She sais TRUTH; so I asked her who she wanted to hook up with most in the class, and she said WILL [obviously, this kid in the class she was 'crushing' on lol] and I said "Oh… ok… and such will be the subject of my song" =D oh the tides they have turned hahahaha I can't wait for tomarrow [/filler]
I like it. =P It was only $60 with the 2 year upgrade on my plan.
MY MUSIC///Remember how I make techno?
YES, I DO.Anyway, I havn't been recently =[ Ive made a few cool songs like APOLOGY and a few others not on my page like this one called UNDEAD [perfect zombie killing music hence the name]
SOCIAL SCENE///I've had my 2nd semester classes for a week now, but I thought I'd mention I LOVE MY CLASSMATES! Nobody hates me lol and I can freely talk to mostly anyone and crack jokes and stuff. Its a liberating feeling. There isn't a single kid I hate in my government class and I talk 2 all the cool kids lol hell, I AM one of the cool kids in there. I love it. And the very cute girl that sits next to me is really nice, we might hang out some pretty soon =D I'd like to get to know her better… She's not the only cute girl in that class either, there are quite a few, and they're all chill and down to earth and fun to talk to =D It's cool the only down-side is our teacher. His name is Mr. Buddington… he's a really cool guy and a cool teacher but he doen't let me talk lol and in that class thats HARD. I've made a ton of freinds in there and a few I already know are in there.
CRIMSON STAR///Shit's been busy. Havn't worked on it at all =/
ILL///Almost makes me want to focus on that BUT I made a promise to finish crimson star. Eh.
MAYBE more soon.
That was an awesome truth or dare story.
Gotta love it when people work against themselves.nice one with the singing, i didnt see that one coming =D
Shade Shifter. =)
damn right