Posted by DSG on Feb. 24, 2008, 6:13 p.m.


easily my best project so far… AND I'M STILL WORKING ON IT!

I'm sure you are all surprised. =D

here's a beautiful new screen:

I'm really happy I've remained dedicated to this project.


EXTREMELY short [one room]. But, you can kinda feel the gameplay. =D [big file, sorry =P]

Something I'd like to note is the soundtrack. In my opinion, its fitting and really, my best work. Not to sound self glorifying, But im proud of it. that's all.



UP = Jump

SHIFT = Grab Climbable Surfaces [glowing plants]

"Z" = Slam Attack

"C" = Ghostbug Mode [fly out of bounds at your own risk]

PASSWORD: 64dmember



When the game is actually done, It will not be available for download. It'll be available on CD-ROM due to it's epic filesize… And will be sold… that's for DAMN SURE. but don't worry, we're jst talking about like $15.99. and ontop of that I'm planning on this "64D members get 50% off" thing. If I know you anyway =]


OL 17 years ago

He has a point about the 'selling on a CD-ROM' thing. Even if your game was large enough to warrant distributing it on one, which I doubt it will be, you could still put it up for download just fine. 700mb is easilly downloadable for most people these days.

poultry 17 years ago
poultry 17 years ago

Yeah… I'm jealous… =(

s 17 years ago

Chiptunes are like MIDIs except they hold the notes inside them, thus making them slightly larger but consistent in sound with all computers and capable of more variety. Check out modarchive

Unaligned 17 years ago

Simply… beautiful, pleases my eyes… *glares indefinitely*

DSG 17 years ago

@serprex: oh hell no. I'm sticking to the unlimited ability of .mp3 no matter what. unfortunately GM can only seem to play one MP3 at once [WTF!] if MP3's could be played as freely as .WAV files, i'd use MP3 files for EVERYTHING.

BTW, i was talking about a couple hundred MB file, I'm jst saying 64D won't host that right!?

DSG 17 years ago

I'm not going to have a soundtrack of RINGTONES!

Alert Games 17 years ago

I love the feel of the game dude. The glowing stuff, the sword move… beautiful. I just hope that the game will start out in the outdoor setting, but move on into a more condensed and puzzle-like setting of areas. The fairy is slow, but in smaller areas it would probably be fine.

Is there any way you could make a demo version in the future that won't let you go through all of the game unless you buy it? ( like an advertisement once you reach the end of a section) so i can put it on my site? :P the sword attack looks really cool, but i would have a much lighter attack more common so that big one wont be overused.

looks promising! :) btw, the price sounds reasonable considering that ive seen a lot of crap in stores that this is already better than. Im guessing that you will sell it online and ship it to customers?

DSG 17 years ago

@alert: K, firstly, Yep, the game's starting in this area =D Secondly, Yes, the ghostmode is slow, but yes, it IS going to be used for puzzels. You should see what it's doing NOW

Thirdly, The slam attack is an ability aquired LATE in the game, and only useful for particular situations [slamming through hallways filled with overgrown plants, disorienting large enemies, breaking certain walls, etc]

Fourthly… Yup yup, I'm gonna be doing that with the demo… or just selling it for download, $15.99 =D

s 17 years ago

There probably are some DLLs to play MP3s at the same time

Also, MODs are not ringtones. Ever play any Cactus games? Always uses chiptunes