…please tell me this doesn't remind you of Phendrana Drifts:

Do you like it? lol see the moon? THAT'S NOT A MOON, that's Pyros =]
FROZEN RUINS///I was stuck a long time on these… I couldn't get it to look good until now =] ANYWAY, the Frozen Ruins will be totally different than Phendrana Drifts because it'll mostly be indoors-ish, have a totally different design, and it'll be loaded with puzzles =]
BOSSES IN CRIMSON STAR///I'm going to make it a point that all posses are really just scary, gigantic puzzles. Since Sytro only has so many attacks, most of which are not good for fighting [and I'm keeping it that way, It's not an action game], the bosses will be complicated puzzles disguised as monsters or whatever… YOU'LL SEE.
PROGRESS///80MB including most of the music and all sound FX, the GMK file is 2.8MB
5%? I'm building the game all out of order so it's hard to judge >=[
I still have yet to make the first level lol DAMNIT!
well, I hope the stylized realizm of the game will continue throughout it… it's alot of creativity to demand.
catcha later.
All the resources besides sprites are external.
External objects = Epic win
Oh and it doesn't remind me of Phendrana Drifts at all. It does looks a bit like a frozen Bryyo's landing site to me, though.
It's PHENDRANA, not Phendara, Kenon and Scott_AW.
Looks like Phendrana Drifts. Except with more brownish stuff in it.You're gonna hate me for this, but that is SO phendrana it's not even funny.
Room where you get the boost ball, anyone?(Not that thats a bad thing, it looks shiny)80 Mb?
If you ever finish this, you'll gonna need bit torrent.the game is 80MB because all the music, and most of it is in the game. the source code is like 2.5 MB
When can we expect a gameplay vid?