This is what I've been up to for a week =D
The following 5 screenshots are of the South Branch of the Frozen Ruins while the last two are of the East Branch.
Hopefully, You can see that there is a considerable amount of variation from screen to screen for one area.
FILESIZE///Some of you for some reason think that the game is going to be a gig or something…
We're talking around 400mb Tops INCLUDING RESOURCES.
It'll be sold on CD ROM btw. and POSSIBLY, with a custom wireless controller I SHIT YOU NOT. just an easy D pad, and 2 buttons, and a left and right trigger.
PROGRESS///I'd say somewhere around 5-10%
And, Here's alittle something you all have been curious about: MY ACTUAL PROGRESS.
This checklist sheds light on a number of areas I have yet to talk to you all about,
Well, Here's an official checklist draft.
PROGRESS CHECKLIST///X - Mostly or Entirely Completed
0 - Yet to be or Partially Completed
* - Items marked with an * are large items and may be largely completed but marked as Incompleted because It is not yet near full completion.
-X- Title
-X- Character Concept
-X- Game Engine and Physics
-X- Sytro_Basic Movement and Physics
-X- Sytro_Animation and Spriting
-X- Sytro_Ghost Fly Mode: Basic Movement and Physics
-0- Sytro_Ghost Fly Mode: Abilities
-0- Sytro_Slam Attack
-0- Sytro_Frost Attack
-0- Sytro_Burn Attack
-0- Sytro_Swimming: Basic Movement and Physics
-0- Sytro_Swimming: Abilities
-0- Sytro_Big Sprites and Cutscenes Graphics
-0- Dialouge_Sytro and Scavenger of the Rainlands
-0- Dialouge_Sytro and Scavenger of the Sandlands
-0- Dialouge_Sytro and Scavenger of the Ruins
-0- Dialouge_Sytro and Scavenger of the Oceans
-0- Planet Renaming [lol maybe]
-X- Frozen Ruins_Concept, Aesthstetics, and Design
-X- Frozen Ruins_Basic Tiles and Objects
-X- Frozen Ruins_Location and Purpose
-X- Frozen Ruins_Background Story
-X- Frozen Ruins_Audio: Outside
-X- Frozen Ruins_Audio: Outside Variant
-0- Frozen Ruins_Audio: Isolated Depths
-0- Frozen Ruins_Audio: Twilight Depths
-X- Frozen Ruins_World: South Branch*
-0- Frozen Ruins_World: North Branch*
-0- Frozen Ruins_World: East Branch*
-0- Frozen Ruins_World: West Branch*
-X- Maibuu Rainlands_Concept, Aethstetics, and Design
-X- Maibuu Rainlands_Basic Tiles and Objects
-X- Maibuu Rainlands_Location and Purpose
-X- Maibuu Rainlands_Background Story
-X- Maibuu Rainlands_Audio: Maibuu Rainlands East
-X- Maibuu Rainlands_Audio: Maibuu Rainlands West
-X- Maibuu Rainlands_Audio: Rain
-X- Maibuu Rainlands_World: Windcradle
-0- Maibuu Rainlands_World: Maibuu Rainlands East*
-0- Maibuu Rainlands_World: Maibuu Rainlands West*
-0- Maibuu Sandlands_Concept, Aethstetics, and Design
-0- Maibuu Sandlands_Basic Tiles and Objects
-0- Maibuu Sandlands_Location and Purpose
-X- Maibuu Sandlands_Background Story
-0- Maibuu Sandlands_Audio: Outside
-0- Maibuu Sandlands_Audio: Outside Variant
-0- Maibuu Sandlands_Audio: Toxic Flats
-0- Maibuu Sandlands_Audio: Caverns
-0- Maibuu Sandlands_World: Dead Skies
-0- Maibuu Sandlands_World: Toxic Flats
-0- Maibuu Sandlands_World: Underground
-0- Industrial Site_Concept, Aethstetics, and Design
-0- Industrial Site_Basic Tiles and Objects
-0- Industrial Site_Location and Purpose
-0- Industrial Site_Background Story
-0- Industrial Site_Audio: Upper Level
-0- Industrial Site_Audio: Upper Level Variant
-0- Industrial Site_Audio: Dormant Depths
-0- Industrial Site_Audio: Dormant Depths Variant
-0- Industrial Site_Audio: Outer Complex
-0- Industrial Site_World: Upper Level*
-0- Industrial Site_World: Depths*
-0- Industrial Site_World: Outer Complex*
-0- Cyan Shorelines_Concept, Aethstetics, and Design
-0- Cyan Shorelines_Basic Tiles and Objects
-0- Cyan Shorelines_Location and Purpose
-0- Cyan Shorelines_Background Story
-0- Cyan Shorelines_Audio: Rainy Shore
-0- Cyan Shorelines_Audio: Sand Caverns
-0- Cyan Shorelines_Audio: Sand Puzzles
-0- Cyan Shorelines_World: Shores*
-0- Cyan Shorelines_World: Caverns*
-0- Cloud Sanctuary_Concept, Aeststetics, and Design
-0- Cloud Sanctuary_Basic Tiles and Objects
-X- Cloud Sanctuary_Location and Purpose
-0- Cloud Sanctuary_Background Story
-0- Cloud Sanctuary_Audio: Sanctuary
-0- Cloud Sanctuary_Audio: Observatory
-0- Cloud Sanctuary_World: Sanctuary
-0- Crimson_Star: Design
-X- Crimson_Star: Concept and Purpose
-X- Crimson_Star: Background Story
-0- Crimson_Relic System*
-0- Crimson_Relics
-0- Crimson_Temple: Concept, Aethstetics, and Design
-0- Crimson_Temple: Basic Tiles and Objects
-X- Crimson_Temple: Location and Purpose
-0- Crimson_World: Maibuu Rainlands
-0- Crimson_World: Maibuu Sandlands
-0- Crimson_World: Frozen Ruins
-0- Crimson_World: Cyan Shoreline
-0- Crimson_World: Industrial Site
-0- Crimson_World: Cloud Sanctuary
-0- Cutscene_Game Introduction
-0- Cutscene_Chapter I Intro
-0- Cutscene_Chapter II Intro
-0- Cutscene_Chapter III Intro
-0- Cutscene_Chapter IV Intro
-0- Cutscene_Chapter V Intro
-0- Cutscene_Chapter VI Intro
-0- Cutscene_Chapter VII Intro
-0- Cutscene_Chapter VIII Intro
-0- Cutscene_Chapter IX Intro
-0- Cutscene_Chapter X Intro
-0- Cutscene_Chapter XI Intro
-0- Cutscene_Chapter XII Intro
-0- Cutscene_Normal Ending
-0- Cutscene_Hidden Ending
Thats friggen amazing. Sex indeed!
Dat sum red phazon?
Also, from this, you estimating a final size above 1GB at your rate of bloat?I'm quite unhappy about the filesize as well.
40mb tops. calm down.
Then indeed you lied when you chanted on about the filesize already being twice that?
wait…typo. 400MBI'll still play it!
it loads in seconds.
If the in-game graphics look damn amazing, I wonder what the main menu will look like…
Also, either give us a demo or show us the gameplay in a vid.