Posted by DSG on April 21, 2008, 3:23 a.m.


This is a video of a part of the Frozen Ruins. Sound wasn't recorded, but I then put the ambiance music back in through Windows Movie Maker [software I forgot I had]. YOUTUBE KINDA RAPED IT… ALL THE DAMN DETAIL IS GONE.


CRIMSON STAR is looking sexy I think. AND… now I think I'm going to design the crimson temples along with the crimson star device. Then… I need to program in the attacks =p I can't believe I've yet to do that…


Burn Attack

Frost Attack

Slam Attack

Ghost Attack



fuck yea.


The area needs alittle work. It's kinda tiny.


I'll get to it damnit!


8%? last time It was 7. WOO JUST 92 MORE BLOGS TIL' COMPLETION!!!


Grand-High Gamer 16 years, 8 months ago

No high-def mode on Youtube :(

DSG 16 years, 8 months ago

nope. :[

thernz 16 years, 8 months ago

Parallax would make this pure awesome instead of awesome.

Awesome is still good though.

Alert Games 16 years, 8 months ago

go on aim later k?

Cesar 16 years, 8 months ago

lies. Actually it's easy to get videos to be high def on Youtube. All you do is add a bunch of blank frames right after the video, making the bitrate go up for the video and making it high def.


It's probably a crappy video, I got the shortcut from a random link on the guy's profile since all his videos are HD.

So yeah, you should've asked first

sirxemic 16 years, 8 months ago

Parallax would make this pure awesome instead of awesome.

Awesome is still good though.
Please put parallax in mmkay?

The tile_layer_shift function should do it.

edmunn 16 years, 8 months ago


This is pure win!

firestormx 16 years, 8 months ago

Crimson Star is lookin' sexy, even with youtube raping the quality.

I noticed you made the character's cape sort of move behind him when he moves. Maybe you could make the cape a bit more animated (flapping in the wind type thing) when he moves, rather than just stick out statically. (It appears to be static; I don't know if it's youtube's fault). Also, when the character is falling, you may want to make the cape move upwards at bit.

…That's about all I can suggest to ya' so far. You may already have the cape animated better and it's just youtube's fault I can't see it.

Also, celldweller is alright for a while; I find he kinda gets irritating after a few songs, but it's good for casual listening.

drspazz 16 years, 8 months ago

Seriously, you're like a one man army when it comes to this stuff. Not only do you do everything but you do it extreamly well.

drspazz 16 years, 8 months ago

God I hate how youtube videos don't cache >.< Stupid youtube.