[DSG] Crimson Star - Alittle news.

Posted by DSG on April 28, 2008, 3:24 a.m.

Well, I've been working on the crimson system.

the system that allows Sytro to travel the twin planets and such. I'm also building in the attacks and the HUD is SEXY =] There will be a number of powers and powerups for each one. The attacks are more magic-like… so You'll have attacks like the ability to bring forth a snowstorm or stuff.

Crimson Star is now compatible with a game pad. Woo who cares though.

Graphics are better.

New ambiance music.

I've even made a few enemies.

I want GTA4.


BURN: Ability to use the craft of fire to light passageways or melt walls of ice… or set an enemy on fire. Power-ups include a meteor storm =]

FROST: Freeze enemies, project ice shields underwater, manifest short platforms, etc.

SPORE: Slam the ground and explosive poisonous mushrooms will grow and block or destroy enemies, or unleash a plague of poison and destroy all the nearby enemies.

STORM: Control the storm winds or bring a rainstorm. Do whatever.

AND MORE… and stuff.

I'm bored.



Jaakko 16 years, 10 months ago

GTA4 me want too. CS sounds cool. Later.

Mat 16 years, 10 months ago

Don't want GTA want Crimson Star.

Xxypher 16 years, 10 months ago

You… should give me a cookie.

Quietus 16 years, 10 months ago

New ambiance music.

Josea 16 years, 10 months ago

I want to try GT4 too. A friend of mine is going to buy it, and a PS3, this summer.

Alert Games 16 years, 10 months ago

i need 360+gta4. glad to hear progress is done, im looking forward to updates!!