Crimson Star.Yea. STILL WORKING ON IT. 11% done? THIS'LL TAKE A WHILE.I've added a new system to CS… it adds to the gameplay and it's called a CHAINSTONE MECHANISM. basically attach to an anchor in ghost mode and you will travel the track to a new location… It's like an automatic spiderball mode on crack. [not an imitation] [no screen yet]ALSO NEW IN CRIMSON STAR: SNOPOS [cute little snowball-like creatures that live on Cryos and MELT when attacked by FIRE]
I'd rather much seem them melt a melty doom.
I find your last statement somewhat disbelievable. By your last statement I do, indeed, mean "Bye."
You guys are sad. Let the boy have some of the good stuff.
I'm not jealous, i'm just being truthful.