Yep. I'm in New Mexico for 5 days. Yep. It's cool i guess… but I FORGOT MY FLASH DRIVE!!! which had CRIMSON STAR on it. so I can't wook on that. MHMM.
fcuk. GRRR!!
Anyway I HAVE made progress. ALOT. I'm building the VERY FIRST area of the game… the MAIBUU SANCTUARY.
This screen is alittle dated, but whatever. Gimme a week. the new area is AWESOME.
Anyway… I gotta. I'll come back to add to this. LATER FOR NOW.
BTW I'm listening to Celldweller.
///CRIMSON STARUhmmmmm No Progress. Well, much since the last blog. As I said I'm building the Maibuu Sanctuary and the music is kinda done for that. the STORYLINE is fully written and the game is built to be in CHAPTERS. Idk how many though.
No progress on the bow n arrow system but new tile sets are finished. New creatures and enemies aswell.
///LIFEI guess.
UHMMM I bought mass effect. I should play it.
TUROK is cool. ARMY OF TWO is cool TWO lolpun.
UHMMMM I've changed my name back to shadeshifter. yesser.
CRIMSON STAR… i miss you.
I MADE A SONG but it sux. k thats the end of that
made ANOTHER… tis cool. mhmm
I hope you do come back to add to this, this is pretty damn short. Game's looking nice as ever though. :D
Looking good as always. I know you won't disappoint.
Forgot, FORGOT!?
Off with his head.Irony, actually.
Irony works
I always looked at it on more of the foreshadowy side, but irony could work I suppose.
Don't delete my comment, douche.
The game is looking really good so far, I think when it is finished, by the looks of it, I will order a copy of it.