Posted by DSG on April 14, 2009, 11:14 p.m.

warn me, ban me, whatever.

this must be said.

FUCK. FRED. PHELPS. and all members of the westboro baptist church.

They make me ashamed to be an American. they are a disgusting embarrassment to the entire country. They are a vile cancer, and must be eradicated as such.

dont know what i'm talking about??

see the rest on youtube.


DSG 15 years, 10 months ago

thats y i want so see fred get a bullet put in their head. appearently gods responsible for all the deaths. aww but if that doesnt fit in their fucked little heads, theyll probly blame it on the fucking gays?

Juju 15 years, 10 months ago

I love the BBC. I saw this last year and yes, it's really bad. Really bad. This is what can happen with freedom of speech and there's not a lot you can do about it apart from ostracise them. It seems to me that this baptist church isn't Christian at all, they barely follow the teachings of Jesus at all.

Some choice quotes:

The Sermon on the Mount = You're Going to Hell!
Look out, Jesus!

"Love the sinner, hate the sin" is found NOWHERE in the Bible. The man who coined that phrase is none other than that Hindu bimbo Ghandi.
Oh, that crazy Ghandi!

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

You brutish americans try to create your own standards but the downfall to that is you don’t even follow them yourselves!
Yes, because Americans came up with "love thy neighbour." Yeah, screw the New Testament.

Also remember that the word world NEVER means the whole world when referred to in scripture. It’s what you call a microcosm. That’s the end of that matter!
That's the end? Aww, I was about the rebut you… Guess that doesn't matter then.

"Judge not lest ye be judged" Humans make judgments everyday, so what does this verse mean? Well, we will gladly tell you.
This is going to be good…

It means you don’t judge according to what your evil black heart is telling you.
Thanks Westborough Baptist Church! You saved me from slavery to a system gone wrong.

You shake all the religions up in a bag, pull one out and THERE ARE NO DISTINGUISHING DIFFERENCES!
The exact same thing happens with crisps.

Snazzy website though.

Biotech Gaming 15 years, 10 months ago

Being a follower of Jesus myself, even I find this offensive. The Bible is the message of God's love for the world, not his hatred. Does it say that homosexuality is wrong? Sure. Does it say someone who's gay should be condemned and then the matter is closed? Of course not. Condemnation and judgment is not our job, seeing as none of us are worthy of that responsibility (I submit that family as exhibit A).

thernz 15 years, 10 months ago

Oh hey, don't be hating religion. It's the people who are just assholes and use religion as an excuse to be that way..

I used two periods.

Grand-High Gamer 15 years, 10 months ago

*remembers that Omega is the religious nut, no Juju*

Boy I've been away too long.

DSG 15 years, 10 months ago

thernz, without religion, there wouldn't ever be such justification for such hatred. Honestly, I don't consider the bible history, and since Jesus appears nowhere else in the historical record, I'd argue it's at least highly likely he didn't exist.

OBELISK 15 years, 10 months ago

You've got me started.

Fuck Fred Phelps.

He's made my state of Kansas look bad. Worse, more like. One of my most interesting memories was when I encountered the Phelps family and their infamous signs. I wanted to yell something so badly. If I ever see them again, I'll do more than shoot them a dirty look.

And Ferret, I don't think they'll have any problem spawning children. It's called "inbreeding."

firestormx 15 years, 10 months ago

I don't know why people are wasting their time hating on Fred Phelps. Why is no one outraged that the government can't force vasectomies and tubal ligations? Honestly, after a certain point, why can they not just knock on someone's door, say "you're too fucked up, now stop fucking up these kids, and just to make sure you can't acidentally have anymore, we're going to tie your tubes".

I mean seriously, there's people who are out spreading absurdity like Fred is, and then there's people who are actually damaging helpless peoples' lives. I'd give examples, but I'm tired. Just youtube Adam Carolla, or Dr Drew, or best of all, Loveline.

Also, I just want to comment on this:

"thernz, without religion, there wouldn't ever be such justification for such hatred."

Of course there's justification. "You're different", or "you're weaker", or "I just feel like it". Dunno why people think hatred has to stem from religion.

Acid 15 years, 10 months ago

Wow… what a twisted view of Christianity. I'm a Christian and this is not what I believe.

OBELISK 15 years, 10 months ago

The world needs more people like Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew.