I thought maybe you guys maybewere wondering what I looked like.Well then.
————————————Yes. I am, in fact, very attractive. I got a web cam. Yea. For you tube.…and internet sexing.Having said that, you should addme on the my space. So we can beinternet friendlies.http://www.myspace.com/36636769[IN OTHER NEWS]That demo for Crimson Star? yea…The mini quest hasn't been a priority.I'm busy building the environments.But, we will see how it goes.HEY. GUESS FUCKING WHAT. YOU KNOWWHAT I REALLY WANT? DEL TACO. I'vebeen faithful to Taco Bell for a long timebut lately, the quality has been lacking.And DEL TACO is frankly, the shit. I GOTA 1/2 POUND BURRITO THAT ACTUALLYTASTES LIKE I GOT IT FROM A MEXICANRESTAURANT, I GOT A HUGE-ASS DRINK[it's like the biggest size] AND A CHURRO.FOR UNDER 3 DOLLARS. They have thishappy hour thing from 2 - 5 andeverything is way cheaper.
AND YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE? did anyoneelse know I smoke? Yea. I fancy the camels.And don't tell me it's unhealthy. It can't bemuch worse than fast food. AND I'm notaddicted. No really. I havn't had a smoke inabout 4 days. I kinda want one. Kinda. Notreally. Smoking is just something to do whenI'm bored. I'm oddly fascinated with the actof inhaling smoke. IDK why. I'm weird. This blogis becoming progressively wider.I've been rockin' out to heavier and heavier stufflately. an incredible band out there I really like,OCEANO, just released their first LP, DEPTHS.
It's better than amazing. it's like… totally hardxcore br00t41 If you like?? I hate BB code.

Nice album art, not so nice music.
You have more bumps on your face than the rocky mountains
Of course, that's comparable to me.Oh, Juju. You just aren't hardcore enough. I live and breath this stuff.
@RawrSpoon: I have some skin issues cuz I sweat when I fuck your mom and my really hot girlfriend. At the same time.
Sweating a lot should actually prevents the creation of acne. =/
Oh. I see. My joke has been DESTROYED!!
Also… are you puckering up in the first pic? O_o
haha, so much criticism when I'm as ugly as… YOUR MOM :O :O :O :OYea, cute girl on aim asked me to. lol its silly. i know. but she kissed back. we had a cute moment, damnit.
"It can't be
much worse than fast food. AND I'm notaddicted. No really. I havn't had a smoke inabout 4 days. I kinda want one. Kinda. Notreally. Smoking is just something to do whenI'm bored."I'm not addicted! I could come off whenever I want to!Enjoy your cancer and damaged lungs.cancer and damaged lungs are the wave of the future.
not really…anyway I kinda look the same except less shadowy, and by that I mean you look a tiny bit goth or whatever that is.