Depths is still in development, And finally in a definite, set direction. Current goals are to build the introduction animation, with audio, set up the saving system, and complete the beginning of the game up until the first boss, and then create the first boss battle. Depths: Genesis will be the demo version of Depths, soon to be released, however a release date is not set. D:G alone may be up to 70MB of information. I would need special permission and ability to upload this at 64Digits. I may have to upload it at, however I wanted it to be exclusively available here. Also, If anyone knows of any freeware install wizard creators, let me know. Any questions?
By the way, how do you like my new avatar and banner??
Colons: are gay.
You're gay.
No please no, no Name: Subtitle stuff. Please.
Nice avatar and banner, though :)dsg you're gay
Its just the demo name, why is everyone making a big deal of a colon lol.
I doubt it'll be an issue getting permission to host it here. Russell's Inno Setup is pretty useful.the images aren't in the game file are they? D:
anyway looking forward to that demo :DGenesis is so… cliché though.
Jesus, quit yer bitching. One little subtitle won't devour your souls. Or maybe it will. Haha.