In these screens, you can see one of the new enemies. [the gremlin type creatures with the spears]. You can also see the adjustment I made to the gun, you can angle it up and down at 45 degrees, easing up gameplay and u can shoot more stuff. Also, what most of you don't know is that the game takes place only in the ruins. Some areas are outside the sanctuary, but still part of the sanctuary. There will be 6 major areas:
1 – Maibuu Canopies (partially outside, collapsed, hung-open interior, bright sun)2 – Sanctuary Plaza (entrance, basic look)3 – Ruun Temple (overgrown, green, water abundant, location of Gorerah the first boss)4 – Sunken Cove (partly submerged, water enemies, sunken treasure, coral, docking bay)5 - Du Shoo’s Crypt (burial halls and graves, burying of the dead is considered an offering to the death god Du Shoo)6 - Wanderer’s Chambers (dry, harsh, harder enemies, brighter, hot, fire traps)And now for those screens:[DSG] New Enemies and Screens!
Posted by DSG on June 10, 2009, 12:29 p.m.
No ice level? Pity.
On a side-note, how long will the playing time of this game gonna be, if you had to estimate?On another side-note, when are you gonna release the demo, if you had to estimate?I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm giving advice to the master of making amazing things but here it goes…
There's an awful lot of negative space, maybe you could add some brick textures or something in some of the black parts.Other that completely pointless gripe, this game is shaping up amazingly well.@Rez: Yea, I know. I'm working on that right now. Thank you :]
needs more lens flare
also the red in the hud makes the healthbar hard to read, think about that a bit more : )
When you going to finish this? I want action.
Game looks great. But don't you think the enemies look a little like the Big Daddies from Bioshock?