[DSG] Depths NOT cancelled

Posted by DSG on Sept. 13, 2009, 3:18 a.m.

The game itself wasn't canceled.

However, I AM remaking it essentially from scratch.

I had an epiphany, and that is the simple fact that I didn't like working with the isometric design.

Depths will be the same, it will just look different; and I KNOW you liked the old graphics, but the new ones just work better.

NOT TO MENTION the main character ain't chubby no more.


You can't quite tell, but the running animation has been greatly improved.

Graphics? WAY improved.

Storyline? WAY improved.

Programming? WAY improved.

There ya go.

Also, I'm sorry I havn't been that active here, the truth is, I've been so consumed by getting out lately. I mean…. damn I've been to like, at least…. AT LEAST 1 party every weekend. I threw one with my friend Josh just last Wednesday haha cuz his parents were out of town, and he got busted because rocky and johnny left out the fucking crown royal in the sun room and we were kinda too hung over the next morning to notice when we cleaned up. And I was HUNG OVER. Josh was STILL throwing up, I NEVER throw up haha I went out to king soopers and got him a plum, cuz for some reason he said that's all he thinks he coulda eaten. I got me some subway, and It was funny I went there last night too with the same guy working there and when I went in Thursday, I was like HEYYYYY I SAW YOU YESTERDAY!! And they guy is like yea haha you wore that shirt yesterday. And I said yea, I spent the night at my freinds house. and He could TOTALLY tell I was hung over. I smelled of liquor, my hair was gross, my clothes were gross, i was squinting haha

At the end of joshes party though, He broke into tears after everyone left and him and I were having a cigarette outside… He told me he was more depressed than he's ever been… He told me how he still cant let go of his ex girlfriend… Whom he gave everything to… and she just threw it all away…. like it was nothing… He told me he's sick and tired of being alone, he tells me how he still loves his ex and she apparently didnt tell him about how she's been seeing all sorts of guys since they broke up and how he can't seem to be close to anyone. He also likes this girl Irena, and he wants to be more than friends with her bt he sais that of course isn't working, and whats a hundred times worse is at the party, she was HARDCORE hitting on me, asking me for hugs and gawking at me and smiling and saying i looked really cute UGHH. With tears, Josh told me that even the people he loved most in life… his father… his mother… his closest friends… he couldn't help but HATE them… he HATES them… he told me every decision he's ever made in life was a mistake. Doing poorly in high school was a mistake, getting into weed and ecstasy was a mistake. gauging his ears was a mistake. his tattoo was a mistake. Even the damn party was a huge mistake. He told me how he wanted to just walk upstairs, take his dads gun… load it, put it in his mouth, and pull the trigger… He told me he'd do anything to be 9 years old again. When he didn't have a care in the world, when he used to smile and look forward to life… He said he feels life has passed him by. No matter how hard he tries, he cant live up to his parents expectations, he cant live up to societies expectations, he cant even live up to his own god damned expectations. He joined the marines and he told me he didn't think he could make it though… I told him he could and he said he couldn't… and the way he said it, sounded like he meant he couldn't keep from killing himself for four years… I told him it will change him. He told me he's so scared and feels he's just thrown away 4 more years of his life and it's too late to take it back, and it's just one more mistake.

Well, that was kinda a long story. sorry.


Ferret 15 years, 5 months ago

The character looks awesome and I'm dying to play.

Toast 15 years, 5 months ago

Looks freakin' sweet.

PY 15 years, 5 months ago

Duke Nukem Forever did this a lot.

MMOnologueguy 15 years, 5 months ago

Fuck yeah, it's not gonna be called Depths ds (or whatever).

sirxemic 15 years, 5 months ago

I'd love to C++-ize your game. :3

F1ak3r 15 years, 5 months ago

I don't like playing isometric games anyway. Well, unless they're strategy or something.

Toadsanime 15 years, 5 months ago

This looks awesome, I'll be looking forward to it.

SteveKB 15 years, 5 months ago


NeutralReiddHotel 15 years, 5 months ago

Take your time then, should be coming out awesome.

Acid 15 years, 5 months ago

That's really sad. Try to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.