[DSG] Questions for YOU

Posted by DSG on Nov. 10, 2009, 2:44 p.m.

here's a screen, you screen whores.

Take note, in the first screen there are moving platforms. They are pretty rad. The little toads actually hop on them, ride upwards and hop to the next one its really quite entertaining.


Should I implement a kind of black sludge? A deadly liquid that must be evaded. Water would be too cliche and frankly not very threatening. I was thinking a black sludge or some kind of black quicksand. You would have to avoid it, perhaps find a switch to raise platforms to get across it, etc. what do you think? do you have any other ideas? Perhaps I could put in some poisonous shrubs or venus fly trap-like enemies. HMMMM.


Kaz 15 years, 3 months ago

I like the idea. It would give it more of a platformer/puzzle element rather than just platform shooter. It would be more entertaining IMO.

sirxemic 15 years, 3 months ago

If there is gonna be black sludge, the story writer needs to come up with a story behind it.

Or you just say it's for the lulz.

Acid 15 years, 3 months ago

Maybe the black sludge could be concentrated souls/spirits/whatever that you disturbed? I dunno… just saying stuff.

Avenger 15 years, 3 months ago

Black sludge. The result of an experiment gone wrong. The stuff is toxic AND deadly…Merely touching it is certain death. The toxic compound quickly eats through anything, and will travel in any bloodvessel and will eat you from the inside out. The exact origin of this goo is unknown, only rumors and theories exist. Some say it was an experimental life form, others say a harmless pile of decayed matter. All we know for sure is that it is deadly.

Good bad or otherwise?

Ferret 15 years, 3 months ago

No, cliche is lava. Yes a story behind it would help, like Jak & Daxter's "dark eco". The only problem with black sludge is that the outsides of the levels are black and I'm assuming that the sludge will be on the sides of the level, thus making it difficult to notice it is there. So you could add a sparkly look to it or slightly purple like it's oil or something…

V 15 years, 3 months ago

I would suggest a kind of liquid substance or gas, maybe a dark purple-ish gas, basically miasma, where after some time (Metroid ripoff idea, I know) You get a mask that enables you to breathe the stuff safely or something. Either that or do make it a black sludge, harvested from the sins of man IE 7 deadly sins manifested into material form or something, and the corruptive nature of it instantly destroys your mind or something.

Once again, I can write up a storyline for you if you would like, so the reason for gods pulling you out of space would have a purpose, y'know?

And I dig the kind of venus fly trap idea, but make it like a kind of wall enemy that spits acid at ya. I've yet to see an enemy that fires projectiles in the game. :P

SteveKB 15 years, 3 months ago

make it a really alkaline (everyone uses acidic @_@)

yeah a black alkaline substance.

Kaz 15 years, 3 months ago


RaiSoleil 15 years, 3 months ago

Sludge would be kinda hard to see against the black. I advocate the exact opposite - I think really well-done water would be a great addition. You've got all that rain and plant life, and an Atlantis-like vibe with the stonework, so water would be right at home. Not just blue blobs though, I mean a transparent, realistic water that fills the lower levels of certain areas. Most of it won't kill you, but if you see pipes and stuff surrounding a pool of glowing water, then it's probably toxic.

OBELISK 15 years, 3 months ago

Looking great, but I think you should do something about the HUD. Maybe shrink it down a bit and make it a little more practical? Then again, I'm the master of impractical things that look cool, I really have no room to talk.

I'm liking Residue's idea. Maybe the liquid doesn't have to be black?

Oh, and I still think you should do something about the massive amounts of dead space. Surely you'll figure something out.