[DSG] - Alright, mates.

Posted by DSG on June 19, 2010, 7:37 p.m.


…oh hey.

new layout.


FINISHED the entire world map.

ALSO, many of you might be happy, others sad, that I've converted the soundtrack from MP3 to MIDI files… Yes, really. WHY?

Well, I thought It'd be cool if the music for each area wasn't so repetitive. I've made a midi version of the Maibuu Rainlands theme, and it's a whopping 16 minutes long. It fades and gradually changes until it loops, so that every couple of minutes the environment feels alittle different and the mood will always be evolving.

AS WE SPEAK, I'm attempting to re-program the water so that it doesn't slow the game down, the water environments run slowly when there's rain as well, so I'm going to fix that with some mad crazy programming. AND, so far, so good.

Side note, I went to the doctor today, turns out I have strep; and it sucks… SO, for the next week, I'm gonna be terribly sick. I'm on amoxicillin so hopefully that'll help…

ANDDD I'm done reprogramming the water.


stand by…

and it…

looks awesome and doesn't lag :]

And, now the rainfall stops at the water, so It's not raining underwater.

Next, I think I'll program in ladders



Cesque 14 years, 8 months ago

Am I the only one who thinks using MIDI is an absolutely horrible idea? Kickass graphics + MY GOD TURN THOSE BEEPS OFF. MIDI music, as everybody said, depends on your sound card, and I believe modern soundcards have better things to do than support a format widespread in the early 90's. That, and the MIDI will always sound terrible no matter what. If anything, I suggest you make two separate versions (if you still have the original soundtrack).

Or, how about .xm? ;)

Juju 14 years, 8 months ago

Alternatively, give users the option when they download.

Toast 14 years, 8 months ago

I agree with cesque, if your games going to be ridiculously detailed you'll lose points for midi, you can almost see the reviews already. There are some better sounding alternatives that aren't full blown mp3, .xm, .mod etc.

Juju 14 years, 8 months ago

The age of the soundcard has little to do with the quality of midi playback.

Grand-High Gamer 14 years, 8 months ago

Cesque is right, if it's possible for you to do use a tracker (.xm) instead, the quality is far better.

sirxemic 14 years, 8 months ago

You really shouldn't use MIDI.

Oh while I am at it, you shouldn't be using GM either - C++ hardcore all the way!

Josea 14 years, 8 months ago

I don't have a sound card and my motherboard handles midi fine :/
You do, it's called integrated audio chip.

Castypher 14 years, 8 months ago

\I'd rather use larger sound files than MIDI, to be honest. Though, you can get some MIDIs that sound decent. But as I said, and everyone pointed out after me, it depends on the sound card.

Funny how I only recently found that out. I used to play these really old games as a kid and wondered why the music sounded different with every computer I played it on.


DSG 14 years, 8 months ago

I suppose I'll have to consider OGG, and I havn't even heard of .XM

Arcalyth 14 years, 8 months ago

MIDI is simply a series of events. Note on, note off. Use this pitch and bank. It's not an actual render of any kind of audio. That's why it sounds different depending on your sound card. It's great for having audio devices communicate with each other, allowing you to choose what sounds you want to use with hardware synths. Kind of out of date now though thanks to VST plugins and whatnot.