I have upgraded the lighting engine for the entire game. I replaced a lot of the lights with lanterns, and added a bunch of red foliage. Because red foliage looks awesome.

I've nearly constructed an entire map of this area, and once I complete this area, I'll build in the story line and game play… stuff. So when it loads, it will run like a finished game in the sense that you start out at the beginning of the game instead of whichever random room comes first. The story is finally completely perfected, and thusly I can move forward with the project.
In short, I've hit a milestone that allows me to be one big step closer to releasing DEPTHS.
Think you need a little more variation in the foliage colouration - a little orange maybe?
I'd probably say the same. Other than that, it looks great.
Agreed, throw some orange in there. Except for in the 3rd pic.
no no the story is done, im just aying right now its just a huge area that you can roam freely. once the areas done, you'll start at the beginning. i have to build the environments before i can build a playable game.
I don't know, I kind of like the all-red foliage, but I supposed a bit of orange wouldn't hurt it, either. Really well done in terms of art, for sure. Kicks the a** outta my game ^_^ I very much look forward to playing this.
So far, everything looks just fine.
I wish I was an artist and could make something beautiful like this.
Really, It's just a batter of adding alot of shadows and glowing additive blended stuff that gives it that look. Without the shadows and glows, it looks terribly flat.