is beginning to play like a real game.The game actually has a beginning now and isn't just a bunch of random rooms. I'm finally programming in the gameplay!! :DThe ruins look sicker than ever, and I have screens.[DSG] Good news.
Posted by DSG on Sept. 27, 2010, 4:33 a.m.
Wait, you're only just starting to program in the gameplay?
My friends, we have another PLatformed.I think what he means is that the game is finally coming together in a followable start-to-finish fashion rather than being a conglomerate of test rooms.
…Yea, what Zaron said.
DSG on behalf of the internet: OMFG FINSH UR FUKIN GAEM U FUKING FAGGOT!11
In due time, GHG. Be patient.
four years ago
So when you said you'd begun again, you didn't mean you started over, you meant that you were starting to work on it again. Oh.
Holy shit.
SO DSG WAS JUST FORGING HIS SCREENSHOTS.I KNEW IT, I CAN TELL THAT WHEN I SEE IT.Also can you hyperspeed glitch through the walls? :>