Well, Adding some new stuff before I can continue adding to the environments, I'm programming in more maneuverability stuff.
So far, I have [new mechanics since Depths' older incarnation]:-The ability to strafe.-The ability to aim at 45 degree angles up and down.-The ability to aim straight up.-Quicker gun*-Variable jumping**-Swimming-The ability to go underwater, including very different water quasi-physics-The ability to grab horizontal ropes and climb across them-The ability to grab swinging rings and swing yourself off of them-The use of ladders-Moving platforms-Crouching [for lower aim]*[When turning left to right and vice versa, there is an animation of rotation. When you fire your gun while in the middle of this 'turning around' animation, in the old Depths, the gun would fire in the same direction until the turning around animation completed. It was a short animation [14 frames], but still got in the way when an enemy is present. So, when the gun is fired, it fires in the direction you're going to be]**[based on how long you hold jump, and if you're looking up for just a bit more of a boost… it adds drama to the game play if you think about it.]Newer mechanics that I'm programming in [or planning to] include:-The ability to catch ledges [finished]-More variations of ghostmode interactions***-Gun-activated switches and a system where the energy of your gun will power particular devices.-Collecting Easter eggs [literal Easter eggs]***[Such as pulling blocks out of the wall to be used as jumping platforms and other such platform-moving techniques, a "ghostmode cannon" of sorts, and a re-implementation of the ghost-chain mechanic [if you remember that from the old Depths]]There are a few more ideas in my head that need not be mentioned. However, in my opinion the more diversity in the character's maneuverability, the more variety and engagement in the puzzle-like elements of the game.Any suggestions? Anything you think would add to the mechanics of the game play?And, here's you're screenshots, though they aren't showing anything too new other than the ledge-grabbing feature.[DSG] New Mechanics & Stuff. [NEED INPUT]
Posted by DSG on Nov. 4, 2010, 12:27 a.m.
WELL. MY HITS KEEP CLIMBING… BUT NO COMMENTS. :/ Grrr I'm hiding Easter eggs.
Well I can say you probably meant "The whisper of our ancestors' wisdom still echoes", but I don't want to be a spelling and grammar nazi, so I'll just say: sounds good. Easter eggs are nice too :)
Meh, I haven't written anything really yet for the scrolls, that was just filler text. Seriously, If you read the whole scroll, It would make NO sense what-so-ever. Any comments/criticism on the ledge-grabbing system?
Yeah, the character kinda gets lost in the background so I can't really comment on how his ledge climbing looks. Of course I'm more interested in how it works but that'd require a video.
@SpectreNectar: All valid points. Thank you! I agree with you on all of them. re-coloring the character will take some doing but I'll get at it eventually. in total, he probly consists of nearly 100 separate frames if not more.
I agree with the character blending in. However I would NOT put an outline. I would put a light shadow around him. It works in many major video games as well.
Also, the graphics look phenominal as usual, but soon it will be time to start working on the puzzles, story, and levels!! :o@Alert: I feel ya. I'm making the rooms more engaging, with a lot of platforming and jumping and climbing and swinging etc. Also, I think I may just make all the black a really dark grey then add solid black in a few select areas for contrast.
That might probably work well. What might also work is adding dabs of green on his outfit, like wrists and ankles, chest or belt. It'd also add more balance to his design rather than having his head be the only light part of the design. It might also make him look corny.
maybe a bit corny haha perhaps… any other ideas anyone?
You text for this blog is tiny.
But that game is awesome - I can't really suggest anything more than what you've already got there. Keep up the great work - I can't wait to see it finished/have a go at the playable demo :D