[DSG] Developements

Posted by DSG on Jan. 15, 2011, 7:01 p.m.

Hey guys, thanks for the imput on the graphical demo. A lot of you guys commented on how the rooms felt disconnected. So, I considered my options, and it took a while but I figured out a few graphical ideas, one of which I added a turn-around-and-walk-in-to-the-doorway animation, as well as visible backgrounds inside the door that are designed to look like the room the door goes to from a different, perspective angle so you can almost see the next room through the door. Also, when the map is implemented, the visual ques of it rotating (even though the game is a platformer, because of how the rooms connect in a more 3 dimensional layout, the map is actually a bird's eye view of the area). I've added more ghost enemies and more spiritworldly, if you will, content to the plotline. The amount of parralax scrolling in the game is really taking over, as you guys may have noticed in the graphical demo. Just because it's 2D doesn't mean it has to look flat. :) If you guys have further comments or questions or complaints with the graphical demo, please let me know. Thanks for the support guys.

Oh, update. I had so many issues making the environments feel connected and full, so I pretty much just added some 3D appearing rooms for effect.

[EDIT] Uhm, so the 3D stuff is really working out haha it's more versitile for my game than I thought :O


Eva unit-01 14 years, 1 month ago

You're doing this all by yourself? I figure with such concentration on the graphics, that leaves little head space for worrying about how the gameplay will hook the player…then again you must be a badass.

Cesque 14 years, 1 month ago

A lot of you guys commented on how the rooms felt disconnected.

Well, since I was one of those people, let me just clarify that I meant that in terms of the overall map design, not transitions themselves. When you have a, say, fantasy temple in a game, you'd naturally expect some logic to the design - the courtyard, the main hall, the altar, etc. In your game, the rooms just felt random and din't produce some larger picture. (in the demo, at least)

What you've mentioned sounds good, but don't overdo it or you'll end up with a Fez clone. :P

DSG 14 years, 1 month ago

Anyone wanna help with map design?

Scott_AW 14 years, 1 month ago

Sounds good, something I was going for with one of my projects. Now I'd pay for this game.

Map design you say?

DSG 14 years, 1 month ago

Added some actual 3D rooms. ^^

colseed 14 years, 1 month ago

Whoa that looks good. O_O

Scott_AW 14 years, 1 month ago
