[DSG] Depths is gone.

Posted by DSG on Nov. 6, 2011, 1:55 p.m.

Gone, gone, gone, gone.

The flash drive backup happened to have disappeared a few days before my laptop just. fucking. died. Tried to fix it. It's fried and has something to do with severe physical damage. The memory is gone. So… that's that.


But that's ok. With everything I've learned and planned out for once, I'll be able to approach it in a completely new way. Besides, Now I can program it from the ground up and I was thinking of basically making al the graphics 2x bigger. Why not? The 3D will be at its best, and the levels all will flow together. I finally have everything planned out and I have a solid story. It turns out, most of the old file would have to be thrown out anyway, so no huge loss.

Sucks tho, huh.

I miss it :'(

Sad day.


Acid 13 years, 3 months ago

You are the most resilient, positive man on earth. God bless you, sir.

Cesar 13 years, 3 months ago

If this game ever gets released…


thernz 13 years, 3 months ago

We'll miss you, old Depths…….

Acid 13 years, 3 months ago

I am excited to see new depths though. Every time you remake it, it gets so much more sick. You're seriously a beast.

firestormx 13 years, 3 months ago

You are the most resilient, positive man on earth. God bless you, sir.
Fuckin' right.

JuurianChi 13 years, 3 months ago


I decompiled your game earlier this year because I wanted to inspect your code.

want me to send it to you, or do you have even more stuff since then?

Castypher 13 years, 3 months ago

I recently started over on one of my projects as well. It's a good feeling, going back to things you did before and doing them better.

S3xySeele 13 years, 3 months ago

Is this the second or third time you've lost your Depths files? You need to find a more reliable way of backing up your data, dude… lol

Rob 13 years, 3 months ago

No offense but I thought you would've learned from the first time about not keeping online backups…

JID 13 years, 3 months ago

No offense but I thought you would've learned from the first time about not keeping online backups…
yeah, I was thinking the same thing. :(