Posted by DSG on Dec. 14, 2011, 2:32 p.m.

Hello 64 Digits, and happy birthday Ferret, appearently. :D i?m writing this blog on my phone so sorry for the lack of enter key strokes and proper capitalization. Its come to my attention that more of you than not seem to miss the old character?s more exaggerated appearence. And im starting to as well. In the old Depths, Sytro held his gun with one hand on the trigger and the other holding up the barrel. Because of how huge his blaster was, it made sense but it presented an issue: because of his forward facing angle when running or standing, when he stood rightwards, his right hand (from the players view would be on the left of him) would be holding the trigger and his left hand (which from the players view was on the right) would be holding the barrel and it looked very natural. However, when he would turn around to the left, his right hand would still be on the left side and his left to the right (i hope you guys are following). So he himself rotates a small amount while his gun has to rotate a full 180 degrees to face the other way. But this causes a problem, as some of you may have noticed with the old depths, when he is facing left with his gun, his posture is nonsensical because, his right hand is still holding the trigger, and his right hand is still to the left of him as i explained, but the gun is flipped horizontally placing the trigger itself to the right of him, making it look very odd if his right hand is still holding the trigger, we had to assume he can stretch his right arm backwards (leftwords from the view of the player) and his left arm rightwards (from the view of the player). So, in the new Depths, he holds his gun like a pistol so his posture looks natural whether he?s pointing his gun to the left or to the right (since his hands are together, he can mirror his posture naturally without switching hands, makes sense right?) since im on my phone i cant post a picture to better explain what im trying to get across unfortunately. Oops, ive reached maximum letters, ill update later. Stupid phone


OK, so, with the new Depths, Sytro carries his gun like a pistol.


Should I keep Sytro holding the gun like a pistol? It DOES make it possible to draw him holding his gun both ways, OR, should I have him hold it the old way with his hand on the barrel? If I do this, in order for it to look right he's going to have to literally switch his hands every time he changes direction. Is it worth making him do something somewhat silly looking if it gives that good 'ol heavy duty blaster feel? or for the sake of logic, have him hold it like a pistol? Unless there's another solution so that he can not switch hands yet still hold the gun by the barrel facing both ways and making it look natural

ALSO, Because I pay attention to your input, I've made a few changes that I'm sure you'll be happy with [hopefully]

1. Sytro did look a little lanky, and I realized his torso was too long and out of proportion. So, I made his torso 4 pixels shorter, and his head a pixel lower, making him in total 5 pixels shorter. [it actually makes quite a difference.]

2. Improved 3D [seriously, can't wait to show it off]

3. More color variation and specialized lighting on objects close to a flame [still in the works.]

4. The bridge is less springy. [half as springy, to be mathematically precise]


Acid 13 years, 2 months ago

I'm confused as to what response you were looking for! :P

What are you trying to ask?

(I did read the blog, but it was slightly confusing.)

JID 13 years, 2 months ago


DSG 13 years, 2 months ago

Hadn't gotten to that, editing now.

Acid 13 years, 2 months ago

I feel like it is really down to YOUR preference. I don't mind the "impossible contortions", but if they're bothering you, it's your game - take 'em out!

Besides all that hibjab, I'd like to say: Nice!

All of the changes seem to be for the better. I demand images.

Cesque 13 years, 2 months ago

Unfortunately, I already had to do a lot of thinking today, so I don't completely understand what you mean, and shall wait for pictures ;)

Moikle 13 years, 2 months ago

You could just make 2 sprites for the arms, one viewed from the left and one from the right. That's what I would do.

DSG 13 years, 2 months ago

@Moikle That's what I have already, it's the posture of the arms that was causing the problem

Moikle 13 years, 2 months ago

oh, I see.

Could you have the gun rotate around a different point, offset from when he is facing the other way?

Rob 13 years, 2 months ago

I've got some input: use dropbox

Moikle 13 years, 2 months ago
