Posted by DSG on May 17, 2006, 8:52 p.m.

Thats right!! you'll see it up here soon because i just submitted it.

PLEASE download it i want everyone to. ITS A BIG FILE THOUGH… a whopping 22.4 MB!!

heres what the description sais:

They're back! This time they have taken over 3 areas of the world and have built massive armies. It is your mission to infiltrate the alien territory and destroy their massive armies.

lol and soon it will be the next staff pick lol or atleast i hope so that would be awesome. there should be a badge for previous/current staff pick owner

EDIT: ALSO if you search games and sort by rating, MY GAME, INVASION RANKS # 3!!!


DSG 18 years, 9 months ago

TRY ANYWAY. seriously. please lol start the download then go do something else