The New Dark Sirrus

Posted by DSG on May 24, 2006, 4:05 p.m.

I thought of changing my name to Poisonheart Games. what do you think?? i mean i kinda have a reputation here and when i make newer, better games under that name ppl will probly say OH hes better than dark sirrus and my old games be rejected

p.s. I HATE HOW MANY BLOGS ARE POSTED A DAY!! my blog views (like, per blog) are GOING DOWN TO LIKE 4-6 COMMENTS EACH!! its annoying!! i say it automatically rejects a blog if its under 100 characters (numbers and digits, no spaces, enters, symbols included in count)

ALSO, i think the game thing SHOULD BE MORE STRICT… only accept the better games. there are games here that are just unenjoyabe. increasing standards will eliminate the problem of the short-lived fame of good and bad games alike.

INVASION 2 got a day. not many ppl check 64d everyday. every game deserves atleast 3days. thats how it used to be. it used 2 beevery week too. NOT TO MENTION hightening standards will increase the goodness of the site and add alittle more… prestige


KaBob799 18 years, 9 months ago

I am lucky to get comment this month, it sucks. We need more comments and less blogs!

DSG 18 years, 9 months ago

just sayin'

DSG 18 years, 9 months ago


Josea 18 years, 9 months ago

I like the name "DarkSirrus" sounds cool.

also, why you don't submit Invasion 2 to my site?


melee-master 18 years, 9 months ago

Quote: DSG

p.s. I HATE HOW MANY BLOGS ARE POSTED A DAY!! my blog views (like, per blog) are GOING DOWN TO LIKE 4-6 COMMENTS EACH!! its annoying!! i say it automatically rejects a blog if its under 100 characters (numbers and digits, no spaces, enters, symbols included in count)

1) Don't complain. I'm probably gonna make a page that you can pop up to view all blogs of the day. (remeber you can simply press the little arrow to navigate through more blogs)

2) Limiting them wouldn't good. Sometimes there's a legitimate need to post a blog - such as asking for help with GML (I was working on a GML tutorial/Q and A, but haven't gotten around to finishing it), etc.

As for your name, I can change it for you if you like, but, I'm not sure if you'd want to because here you known as Dark Sirrus, and not Poisonheart Games. Up to you completely though.

@Phoenix: Yeah… Only four up there is a big problem, and it wouldn't be fair to put recommended ones up there. I think a Staff Pick page for games/wips/examples would be neat. As for a second line, possibly, but if so, the preview pictures would probably be scaled down to half the size, which would save room (vertically), and allow more room for twice the amount on that second row.

Quote: dsg

ALSO, i think the game thing SHOULD BE MORE STRICT… only accept the better games. there are games here that are just unenjoyabe. increasing standards will eliminate the problem of the short-lived fame of good and bad games alike.

Yes, I agree. But that has its ups and downs…


  • Games will be more enjoyable here

  • Would give a nice impression to guests looking for a game to play


  • Imagine how someone would feel if there game was denied because if was plain bad

  • Wouldn't give us the best name in the GM communities, because people who have games denied would probably not recommend the site

    Quote: dsg again

    INVASION 2 got a day. not many ppl check 64d everyday. every game deserves atleast 3days. thats how it used to be. it used 2 beevery week too.

    Nope, it's always been one full day. Just before there were not as many games coming in, allowing ones up to stay up much longer. But now we literally always have a constant 30 or so things in the queue.
  • Adventus 18 years, 9 months ago

    Quote: DarkSirrusGames
    INVASION 2 got a day. not many ppl check 64d everyday. every game deserves atleast 3days. thats how it used to be. it used 2 beevery week too. NOT TO MENTION hightening standards will increase the goodness of the site and add alittle more… prestige
    I reckon they should have two lines of images, one for recent releases which get updated every day and another for 'highly commended' (such as your game) semi-recent (not on 1st image line) releases.

    By the way i reckon DarkSirrusGames is a way better name than Poisonheart Games.

    Kenon 18 years, 9 months ago

    Keep your name. It sounds better as darksirrus.

    Xemrel 18 years, 9 months ago

    DarkSirrus is more memorable than Poisonheart… Keep your name. ^_^

    DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago

    Maybe change it to DarkSerious. j/k

    DSG 18 years, 9 months ago

    cool kk and yeah how about a row of 8 50x50 for the recent posts, and a sexond row of 8 50x50 rated 9/10 and up, in order of rank maybe