Posted by DSG on June 3, 2006, 11:43 a.m.

this place is getting geekier and geekier to me. like, seriously i dont know what the hp thing is and its kinda pissing me off. also, WHY ISNT THE HOME PAGE WORKING?? AND ALSO NO ONE IS READING MY BLOGS!!

this site better not turn into one big game

any1 else annoyed by the nerdyness of the site w/the levels and stats?? i guess badges arnt too bad but badges are alittle to… boyscout-ish. call'em metals or awards

im confused by all of this. it makes the site seem worse. i think this is all going in the wrong direction.


Master_Kakashi 18 years, 9 months ago

…This is a site about people making games nay?

it has the perogative to be geeky! You should embrace the geekery!

DSG 18 years, 9 months ago

listen, its not that i dont respect the geeky, its that i dont want it. its not my style. i mean, no offenc but some people here are total geeks lol which is ok but im not a really a geek. i mean, i dont play ddr or final fantasy, i have lots of friends ALL OVER the social scale, i'm going to a HUGE party tomarrow, well, thats what i've heard i think it'll be huge. and u know how it works, the more peole invited, the more unexpected guests lol… look, im not trying to impress anyone, but im not a nerd here. and im sure there are others just like me. i only make games cause its my art, my dream job, something i've wanted to do since i was little. i actually made games w/microsoft powerpoint. yeah, they were crappy, but it was cool.

Juju 18 years, 9 months ago

Doesn't making games with PowerPoint make you a geek? Come on, you had enough spare time on a computer to bother working out how. I'd be careful stereotyping nerds/geeks/squares/what-the-hell-else as losers. Hell, we wouldn't be living in a world where we can fly thousands of miles without a nerd sitting doing and going, "So, how does that bird fly?"

It's also unjust to decalre this site a haven for "geekery". It's hardly even slightly nerdish, a large selection of people here are mainly artists who work in PhotoShop (take one look at the front page) and I would hardly call that geeky. Fair enough, some people do reside here for too many hours a day, but who are we to judge?

My two cents anyhoo.

DSG 18 years, 9 months ago

nerds arnt losers… losers have no freinds or talents. geeks just have geeky talents, which is cool. and i just feel the whole rpg thing integrated with thwe site is alittle overdone. i c ur point and understand tho. the badges and levels seems, i donno alittle… immature or something i cant think of the rght word. hell, im alittle geeky but im more than that. alittle geekyness makes me better as it does 4 every1.

i appreciate and fully respect the artists here and i donno, i feel the site is becomeing less… professional.

DSG 18 years, 9 months ago

i guess im too judgemental. i really need to fix that.