Posted by DSG on June 8, 2006, 11:22 a.m.

HAHA another new game idea!! BUT IT'LL HAPPEN!!! if i can find a spriter for the characters… and no CRARAS… need2 2 be fully original

OK ur a product of a genetic xperiment… once human, your past has been erased. your now a FREAK. you are half metal half human from an attempt to make SUPERSOLDIERS. you can make a gun out or ur hand kinda thing… that'll b cool. ALSO, the setting is in the distant future, you live inder the rule of a dictator, and theres alot of GOTHIC INFLUENCE in the design… u know 4 culture and a feel of the enviroment… im not GOTH but i love the style. not the losers who become goth to be accepted but the TRUE GOTHS and their culture…

ANYWAY yeah u become a vigilante running from the police w/complete control overr the city (dictatorship…) and yeah u also fight villians while unraveling ur past w/flashbacks.

lol i've even thought of good villians!

POKERFACE - a man w/phycic powers from personal experiments and NO FACE

POWERHOUSE - a guy w/ a crazy nuclear-infused body, and can shoot atomic beams at u

PLASMAN - a man w/crazy clay-like abilities

hmm nowq that i think of it its kinda like that AWESOME SHOW Batman Beyond… but ur no batman, u have crazy metal-shifting powers… OOH and u can also absorb metal temporarily as weapons-building material


DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago

This is officialy your 100000000th WIP. Congratulations.


DSG 18 years, 9 months ago


Acid 18 years, 9 months ago

Well, if you give me some examples of what you want them to look like, I might be able to help you. It also depends on the size. :D

DSG 18 years, 8 months ago

32x64 maybe??

DSG 18 years, 8 months ago

as for looks? whatever looks cool lol

Maxcore 18 years, 8 months ago

Hey Dark, you can get your template here: