Hey all, I'm sure I'm not alone but I occasionally have dreams of DEPTHS that include radically different ideas of the game, some of which I feel like sharing!
You know, there's something about dreams… We dream of things we could never imagine awake, we imagine things that are so out there, they seem like they couldn't have come from yourself… as if your subconscious mind has creative energy that is simply out of reach in your waking life. You wake up thinking "how did I ever come up with that idea? someone else must be writing this stuff".Well, last night I had some crazy ideas. Nothing worth putting in the game I don't think but would be funny easter eggs or something.One thing I remember most vividly, I was exploring these dank dark caverns filled with digging enemies that were like beavers; they built bridges and walls out of the muck and raw materials scattered about the passages. I remember some were for some reason or another either allowed to build or not. Those not allowed to build were those who had uncovered gemstones as they were to return these gems to me. I fought and destroyed those who had found gems and hid them to themselves. Weird, I know. Also, my favorite aspect of the dream, there were random soda vending machines here and there. In Depths, you can collect coins. In the dream, you could actually buy soda from the machines, which dispensed actually bottles of soda from your computer. You can't tell me that wouldn't be AWESOME. What else can I remember… Oh yea all these fire-breathing Ms. Pacman enemies scared the crap out of me… and later I found tons of caverns filled with gems I collected [no doubt inspired by my recent trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, they had an amazing exhibit on gemstones and minerals displayed in a mock-mining cavern]
Auto-aim in a platformer? Hmm…Dunno man, there's just something about aiming for yourself in that kinda stuff. Maybe you could have it as an option at least.
hmmmm. well, im working on it now, seeing what i can come up with… haha
Halo 3 uses so many systems to help you aim, I'm surprised anyone ever misses.
Also, ice goblins. :Djust created an auto aim and its working pretty well