YESS.I know you guys have been really eager to see some enemies, so I have 2 enemies to show you. Also, I'm working on an in-game top-down style map. Just waiting for the video to upload… killing time watching Judge Judy videos [You and I both know I'm not the only one who watches Judge Judy, amiright?]…Slow upload.Judge Judy is a bad-ass.…God, how low class do you have to be to settle a legal argument on basic cable?Oh god, CBS interview with Judge Judy and a short documentary on her life… Weird…Oh, Youtube.Anyway, without further ado, my video. [also available in HD]
Port to android/iOS tablets. Its a big market.
I am I the only one that finds playing games on an android insufferable? Onscreen controls are just no good.
^Quite right.
Although I find that smushing my thumbs around on the screen (thus depressing it's lifespan) solves that problem.yea… id have to redesign the controls for touch screen, have no idea how thatll be done in the new GM
That lighting + graphics….
…Absolutely beautiful.I would definitely pay for this game. And if you don't restart again, and keep going at the rate you are, I'll buy it twice.Is it sad that I was less interested in your graphics, and more interested in that bitchin' map system? Am I really the only one here?
It's looking fantastic from a visual perspective. You better not lose your source code again.
Oh, and JID, please knock it off. That's not even trolling, that's just acting like a retard and spamming coolface.jpg.This is for rob: