-DSG- the mural, image up!

Posted by DSG on Nov. 26, 2012, 1:55 p.m.

So, I finished the mural! But it seems to be missing a few people, but I can't seem to figure out who I'm forgetting, hmmm… Anyway, as much as I would love to show you the mural, a screenshot would give away its location, and it's supposed to be an Easter egg. ^^


Ok, the mural so far, hard to fit a ton of people in it.

In the mural so far (as represented by avatar, memorable character, badge, or the like):

FirestormX, Rez, Ludamad,SirXemic, Hali, Jakex, Ronnica, panzermancer, Ace02, Ferret, DesertFox, Chiken, and Cyrus so far… Also a few memorable bits of 64Digits imagery, Including the lolomgwtfbbq steak icon, cheese, lesbian showdown, and the old bean.

Also, the text actually does say something, it translates to "A tribute to the members of sixty four digits.", but is spelled as (aye t-(sh)-r-ih-b-ee-oo-t t-oo (the)-ee m-eh-m-b-(er)-z (uh)-v s-ih-k-s-t-ee f-or-r d-ih-d-(jzh)-eh-t-z) (mhahaha!) that's the best translation I can do.

Anyway, it won't end there. I plan on littering the game with game maker, Metroid, Mario, and 64digits references, such as a golden Ciribot statue Easter-egg and Samus Aran's helmet somewhere… Or maybe an engraving of a Metroid somewhere; all part of a 50 or even 100 item Easter egg hunt.


I'll upload an image of that mural within the hour.


firestormx 12 years, 3 months ago

I'm excited again. =D

I kind of stopped following Depths' progress, because all I can ever think is "oooh, pretty", and I wanted something to look forward to.

firestormx 12 years, 3 months ago

Now that the image is up, it is amazing. =3

Ferret 12 years, 3 months ago

Holy shit this is awesome!

(also, I'm a princess :D)

Eva unit-01 12 years, 3 months ago

Potfrog, I see that shit.

Castypher 12 years, 3 months ago

FSX is just happy because he's the biggest thing in the image.

panzercretin 12 years, 3 months ago

It took me a while to figure out what/where I was, but I can't complain; compositionally speaking I've got best seat in the house after fsx and potfrog.

But really, the whole thing just looks absolutely dashing, dawwwwwwwlihn'. I really can't complain.

OBELISK 12 years, 3 months ago

I see the pot frog the pot frog the pot frog

I know you probably don't mind but I hope you're not super against having graphics from another commercial game in your work. Fox's icon is a very slight edit of an old Zelda sprite. So is ChIkEn's actually.

Rez 12 years, 3 months ago

Potfrog, immortalized in stone.

Castypher 12 years, 3 months ago

Fox's icon is a very slight edit of an old Zelda sprite. So is ChIkEn's actually.

KaBob799 12 years, 3 months ago


(the cheese is 100% original)