-DSG- Depths is on KICKSTARTER + OST samples

Posted by DSG on Dec. 28, 2012, 6:52 p.m.

Hey again everyone.

DEPTHS is now on Kickstarter! So if you have a spare couple of bucks, I'd really appreciate a donation.

My Kickstarter can be found at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1208712436/depths

If you could, please send friends over to my Kickstarter as well. I need the support of this community to bring Depths to mobile platforms :]

Here's the video on my page that I have also uploaded to YouTube

[EDIT]: I just uploaded two tracks from the OST, so please feel free to check them out. I'm pretty happy with them.


Juju 12 years, 2 months ago

Quote: Risks and Challenges
perhaps a late release

sirxemic 12 years, 2 months ago

I have been working on Depths for a year and a half
Very wise to not mention that you are actually working on the latest iteration of a project that started over 5 years ago :D

JuurianChi 12 years, 2 months ago

Good luck! What exactly do you need the money for though?

I need financial help so that I can buy the hardware and upgrades to my current software to export to mobile platforms and make this game available on iTunes and Windows Store.
Gamemaker Studio and a cheap Mac?

DSG 12 years, 2 months ago

@JuurianChi: Yes. Exactly haha.

Toast 12 years, 2 months ago

Good luck.

I think the video and text could both do with being three times longer but hey it's your page. Make sure you advertise at a whole bunch of forums. Consider lowering the reward prices or adding a lower value reward, in order to profit from your average, YoyoGames-browsing impulse buyer.


PC or iOS copy
I don't quite understand why you're not giving your backers a copy on every platform. Don't make me laugh at you for being concerned about piracy.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 2 months ago

Yeesh, your kickstarter'll only be active for 20 days? Best of luck with that ._.

I really like the drums in the second track.

The flute feels a little aimless at times, though, for lack of a better term.

DSG 12 years, 2 months ago

@Taizen: Yea, I figured since my goal was set relatively low, setting a stricter window of time would seem more urgent.

@Toast: Yea, I changed it back to any platform.

mr8bit 12 years, 2 months ago

Well at least you have a Rockefeller backing you.

I think you'd be more successful raising money if you had something a little more tangible to show off. Like a demo or something. I mean, don't get me wrong- the five seconds of game play that you DO show looks cool and all… I'm just not sure that it's cool enough to raise $1500 in 19 days. I think your video would be better served if it featured more of your game and less of your face. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

And Jesus Christ. Summer of 2014?! You building a game that's gonna end world hunger or something? It took da Vinci less time to paint The Last Supper than it's going to take you to make this game.

Toast 12 years, 2 months ago

@mr8bit Well Cave Story took 5 years and he's already been working on various reimaginings of this game for 5 years (interestingly the guy behind Cave Story does the exact same "starting from scratch again" thing). Summer 2014 seems fairly realistic.

Eva unit-01 12 years, 2 months ago

For a demo :c

I do hope you eventually do make a public playable demo, cause I think it'd really help the game's image. It looks great, always has looked great, but for the past eternity it's been nothing but a tech demo. A damn good looking one, but it's like uuugh, can I just shoot an enemy myself, just one??

Yaknow? Good luck tho.

Oh wait, you live in Denver? I should automatically back you but like… I'm hella broke right now till Feb. WELL SHOOT.