STEREOTYPE DSG!! and top blogger=me

Posted by DSG on July 29, 2006, 12:40 a.m.

cool!! didnt even know…. WELL, an update: ive worked more on my site, which is now officially

uhm… a side project: BRONSONS MANOR (another halloween type game, onlly with synthetic lighting that immitates a colored bulb through the use of some alpha blending and creating a sprite from the screen, and it still runs at its 45 fps.)

<img src="">

LUMINITE: im making slow but steady progrees… same with BIG RIG. i no i nvr finish stuff but ill try to.

OH and im out of summer school… cool huh? lol


UHM…. ill try to finish LUMINITE and BIG RIG. alot of progress has been made that u dont know about lol


We have a rule against multiple blogs a day, on the server's time. You had two blogs on the 29th, so I merged them. Don't do this again.

<h1>Second Blog: "STEREOTYPE DSG!!"</h1>

go ahead, gimme ur best shot! its kinda buggin me, so im wonderin….

what did u first think of me when u first heard of me/saw me online?

what did u first think of me when u saw one of my games? do u remember which game?

what do u think of me now?



xcept firebird is an affiliate and… theres no and.

WELL, im gonna be working on LUMINITE all day today, so i can seriously get some work into it. it needs alot of stuff b4 a demo will be out. LUMINITE will have 3 save files, though and options for particle use and interpolation and stuff.

sorry its a short blog… but yeah.

OH AND NEW FONT!! like it? if u dont have it, download it! itscalled visiter -BRK-



DSG 18 years, 7 months ago

…? wasnt me. write it again lol

DSG 18 years, 7 months ago


DSG 18 years, 7 months ago

LIKE, INCLUDING COMMENTS! ahh y didnt i realize that!? damnit

basilamer 18 years, 7 months ago

(this is for blog#2)

ok ill say it again. ahem..

i always thought u were kool.ur my favorite member here. u motivate me to make games. u say u wanna do gaming for ur job? u will succeed.heck, u may bring the true meaning of next gen to our minds! i get better by just playing or watching your games!keep up the great work!!!

blueBX 18 years, 7 months ago

nice top blogger.

DSG 18 years, 7 months ago

thanx that means alot baziiboi. its awesome to know i have a good fan.

Kaz 18 years, 7 months ago

No, Im not part of the calamity.

flashback 18 years, 7 months ago

*I* merged them. You are allowed only one blog per server day, and it said you had two on the 29th. We go by the server's time, not yours.

Also, the only way to merge blogs is to delete one and copy the text into the other. So don't complain, it's your own fault.

And we exorcised our Phantom Mod, so he can't do anything now.

WaleedAmer 18 years, 7 months ago

Yeah DSG, you are awesome! I am ur #1 fan! Ur sprites and games never disappoint me! THEY ROCK!!! (btw, are you gonna work on Asilum?)

DSG 18 years, 7 months ago

asylum? CANCELLED!! in a sence im replacing it with a different horror-category game called BRONSON MANOR but i may remake ASYLUM later. but not now. trust me, around halloween i get in that mood. its by far my favorite holiday. i like to go places like the haunted houses and attractions PLUS i go way overboard with decorating my houst t the point where it looks like something out of satan's disneyland lol