Invasion 2 question

Posted by DSG on Dec. 18, 2005, 11:09 p.m.

hey guys. you want bosses right? i can do this except there needs to be soe kind of health system. if theirs a health bar what should it be called? like overall morale or something? how about all of the units have a collective health and when any unit is hit the overall health goes down? i donno what to do but there has to be a way to get a game over. perhaps you lose if there have been too many casualties? i donno any input?

OOH i know a bar like a health bar that starts at 0%, it has a skull nd cross bones on the left side. everytime a soldier dies or a tank gets hit or somethin, the bar goes up. if the bar hits 100% u lose. the bar also slowly decreases so you have 2 be hit enough to hit 100% before it has time to decrease. uhm ya ill do that.


Grand-High Gamer 19 years, 2 months ago

Make a mech thing and make it so you have to defeat its arms/guns/whatever then its head/control center to stop it firing missiles from the center then the chest opens up like its about to fire missiles but a pod type thing comes out and the mech blows up, kill the pod and avoid its lasers, hit it in its weak spot, its bottom to defeat it and win…

twisterghost 19 years, 2 months ago
