Sketched - Good News! It's free! + progress and story

Posted by DSG on Oct. 26, 2006, 10:20 p.m.

HTML - What fun, right?

<font color="maroon"><big>Yes, <b>Sketched</b> will most likely be free!</big>

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<big><big><b><font color="#997700">-SKETCHED-</big></big><font size="1"><br>



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<b><big>MY PROGRESS:</big></b>

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Im almost to the point of having the platform part and the levels connect! See, in the game, you begin as an adventurer on the adventure of a lifetime. You set off for the mysterious lost city of <b>ATLANTIS</b> with a team of experienced people and freinds. You venture deep into the ocean and run into some big and dangerous creatures. You finally find Atlantis, but the city is protected by a giant monster, and it destroys your submarine. you manage to escape and enter the lost city. Somehow, the city is magically protected, and is full of breathable air pockets, and a few submerged areas where you must swim around. You enter the center temple and discover a statue of a woman, and she comes to life, telling you she was to be the first princess of Atlantis. but her adviser warned her of those who wanted to stop her. Her cousin, a master of dark magic, thought the seat of power belonged to him being the closest man to the family and imprisoned the woman in a statue of her likeness. Her cousin's name was <b><i>Acteon</i></b>, and may play a role later in the game, i dont know yet. Anyway, She tells you yshe can be freed by collecting 8 magic stones called the <b><i>saeri</b></i>. She tells you of these portals across the temple that go to amazing unearthly worlds of ink and dyes. Some contain Saeri, some contain elements to aid you in your mission, and some worlds are purely for an adventure. you don't know until you find out! Collect the stones and free the woman…

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noshenim 18 years, 4 months ago

first :D

noshenim 18 years, 4 months ago


I think the story is great, and yay, free :D

V 18 years, 4 months ago

free the hixor from the statue and get good sexage? I think it sounds fun! =D XD

DSG 18 years, 4 months ago

no sexage

melee-master 18 years, 4 months ago

Holy crap. You typed… properly.

Grand-High Gamer 18 years, 4 months ago

Try and make the game like an atlatean painting then atleast.

Siert 18 years, 4 months ago

WoW! Sounds awesome! It better be free. I'm looking forward for it!

aeron 18 years, 4 months ago

Yes! Now maybe I can afford it!

elmernite 18 years, 4 months ago

Like it!

Sounds like a nice story. Can't wait.
