Misc. News! [D9]

Posted by Daniel-Dane on Dec. 15, 2006, 11:17 a.m.

I want a new motherboard!

As you've guessed I want a new motherboard. The one I have now (GE-PRO M2 from ASRock) just plain sucks! The AGP speed is 4x ONLY! My Radeon 9600 series (Doesn't matter what kind exactly) can run on a (not) stunning 8x speed. I ask myself how big difference this make. From what it looks like my AGP should be twice as slow as it should, or what? Well, I've found a motherboard (one single, only one). It has the same CPU socket, supports Celeron (Yeah, I hate that! I really wish I had choosed one with AMD from the start [:(]) and the same RAM. I don't need to worry more? I mean, it should fit and such.

Christmass is here, but I have no wishes…

Christmas is slowly approaching and I've already been what I want (or wish), I just don't know. I mean, I have everything I want. The only way is they either buy a gift token or I could find a "It's the thought that counts"-gift. I can't wish the motherboard because it's can only be bought on the web on one single site only :O!

Feeling unknown.

I've always felt quite unknown or rather un-famous. Until I see Arcalyth compare me with Rob. Well, I am still not famous, but I am known to some. But, he compared me with Rob… ROB! He is, well, uuhm… Have I've gotten the "noob" status? I know GearGOD has, she (the avatar is a she, and there is a picture of a female in "her" happyblog-thing) finds everyone that isn't know (yet) as noobs. In the start I thought it was because of the knowledge. But I've seen known GMC members getting it litterly "in the face" by her. And it's not about the age either… I think. Enough of her, back to me: Do YOU know me? If you do; How do you know me? As a …

64 Digits doesn't exist!

I've found out that this site doesn't exist, it's the thruth!


Can you post apps in the Games section?


Daniel-Dane 18 years, 2 months ago

Sorry, Chicken, but I may have been right :P.

So, GearGOD is a very feminine male <_>.

Daniel-Dane 18 years, 2 months ago

@JakeX: You never know :P. Besides I was talking about

And, no one has answered my question!

Theodore III 18 years, 2 months ago

Can you post apps in the Games section?
Is an app a game?

Actually, I'm not so sure, but I would think no, just post them in your blogs or something, that's what I did.

Daniel-Dane 18 years, 2 months ago

Baah, I've posted one in the Examples section. I think I'll do it again.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 2 months ago

litteraly in the face? I don't see how that is possible.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 2 months ago

Perhaps you just don't know what "literal" means…

poultry 18 years, 2 months ago

"Sorry, Chicken, but I may have been right :P."

Whatever, just re-raise my karma <_<

Daniel-Dane 18 years, 2 months ago

Well, I kinda over did it.


1. Being the usual or most basic sense of a word.

2. (of a translation) Representing the exact words of the original text.

I choosen #2.

There is even a literally:

1. In a litteral way or sense.

2. informal Used for emphasis (rather than to suggest literal thruth).

Daniel-Dane 18 years, 2 months ago

Chick-en, I do not use it anymore. I see no use for it >_>.

And I see isn't the correct tag <_<.

Daniel-Dane 18 years, 2 months ago

Lol, sorry for the typo, chiken.

I can't download the toolbar now as bendoge's server is down.

And I've just found out that I have a virus… Although it knew it all the time <_<. *Rebooting into safe mode*.