The CotH Trilogy

Posted by Darthvender on Aug. 31, 2010, 4:07 p.m.

Now, when I started Chronicles of the Hchrubak, I had originally planned for it to be a trilogy. Of course, many thing have changed since I first started the project, largest of which was a complete overhaul on the story and characters; originally Arex had been a thirty year old robot whose circuits learned love for Bira.

Then, over time, I realized how few people could actually identify with the brief struggles of this hunk of metal (Originally the game was about 3 levels long, with no really original events happening).

So, Arex developed into a child undergoing experiments that essentially made him into a grown man trapped in a child's body. And I know that doesn't sound like someone you can identify with, but he's more complex than that. You'll see.

So, by the end of CotH, Arex is dead, the Blurex are battered back in their first major defeat, and Bira is joining a refugee group.

But I wanted to - and still do - expand on the story. So I began postulating a second game: Chronicles 2.

In this segment, which takes place something like thirty years after the original, Bira's child, named after her lost love, is a mercenary doing little for the Hchrubak race. The Blurex are beating down the Hchrubak Resistance and are on the verge of winning their battle.

At this time, Arex is sucked into a battle with the Blurex and ultimately ends up becoming a crucial piece of the battle.

It's at this time he realizes just how badly his help is needed with so few Hchrubak left. So, after a long string of events, which I won't go into here, the Blurex are driven away from the planet.

"Well, where does this leave the final game," you ask?

In the final game, another thirty years later, the Hchrubak have decided that if they are so valuable to the Blurex, then it's inevitable that more will be back. So, they trace where the Blurex fleet originated from and decide to send a fleet of ships to capture the planet. By this point, the Hchrubak have been able to integrate Blurex technology with theirs and produce space-faring ships.

The fleet - including Arex's 16 year old daughter, Jurial - reaches the Blurex planet and begin the process of erasing the Blurex from their lives once and for all.

Further more battles drive the Blurex away, but as they leave, they tell that not only will they be back, but that they have no hope of defeating the rest of the Blurex, of which they are but a small segment.

At that time the Hchrubak realize that things will never be the same and that they are now destined to a never-ending life of war and treachery as they are forced to spread even farther through the stars.


Long blog is long.



Scott_AW 14 years, 5 months ago


RoyalSmacketh 14 years, 5 months ago

tl; dr

Darthvender 14 years, 5 months ago

Umm… am I missing some sort of widely-known meme or something, RoyalSmacketh?

Cause it sort of looks like a kid smacked a keyboard a few times…

Quietus 14 years, 5 months ago

tl;dr = too long, didn't read

i did though, i liked the ending. :P

Acid 14 years, 5 months ago



Scott_AW 14 years, 5 months ago

ADD is the norm these days.

Rez 14 years, 5 months ago

Seeing as this is the first blog I've read from you, I don't quite follow all the stuff in this. But it sounds like you're really attempting to make an intriguing plot and so far it's not too shabby. I appreciate the fact that you're trying to tell a story, its rate in GM. Good luck. :D

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Toast 14 years, 5 months ago



Hurr crew back?

Hurr durr?

Darthvender 14 years, 5 months ago

I'm trying my best not to fall to the dark side of storytelling: "ZOMG da pr1ncess r lost! Resku!" which seems to be a standard.

@Toast: Pronounced Hroo - Back. I seriously don't know what I was thinking. I may have strung some letters together at 3 in the morning or something.