Tonsillitis YAY!

Posted by Darthvender on April 19, 2011, 12:55 a.m.

Thursday night was perhaps the worst night I have ever experienced. I cannot sleep when I'm sick, and I was MAJORLY sick. I went to bed at 10:30 and fell into a paranoid/hallucinatory state, in which every time I swallowed, something big was destroyed, and I had to create it again. After several hours of light, terrible sleep, I awoke, thinking it had to be at least 5:00.

Hell no. It was 12:30.

So I sat there in my bed for something like six or seven hours with my light on. I just sat there, staring at my wall. Every time I swallowed I got an intense pain in my throat, and my mouth was over-producing saliva, so I had to swallow every few minutes.

I didn't go to school, because I felt like shit.

I didn't go the next day, because it had spread to the back of my tongue and my lower throat.

I sat around and felt sorry for myself for the weekend, now unable to talk without pain.

So, today, Monday, I went to see a doctor, who told me I had tonsillitis, and I should take some pills. Okay, fine. (Even though I couldn't swallow them BECAUSE of my tonsillitis, so I broke them open and poured them into my mouth.)

But my doctor also had the grace to ask me how long I'd had breasts.

Yes, I've had man boobs since I was 8. My original doctor said not to worry, blah blah blah. Anyway, THIS doctor says I might become infertile if I don't have them looked at.


Okay, onto other stuff.

Friday was the end of my bowling season and our annual bowlers banquet, at which I was awarded 10 dollars for being on the highest scoring team, and another 10 smackers for bowler of the year, with 101 pins over my average in my final set.

So, because of Ferret's blogs, I decided to purchase GTA IV for the PC. It's great, but I've been terrible with the modding so far, and had to reinstall three times to get the original files back. We'll see.

Oh, and it snowed another three inches here, and my mom got the car stuck halfway up to our place, so we had to walk up the rest of the logging road to our house.




Quietus 13 years, 10 months ago

i wish i just had a PC that could run GTA IV lol.

hope you feel better :(

Undeadragons 13 years, 10 months ago

Get well man.

I've also been tempted to get GTA IV after seeing Ferret's blogs.

F1ak3r 13 years, 10 months ago

Are you going to get your tonsils removed? You'll be out for the next week if you do - getting them removed is worse the older you are.

Darthvender 13 years, 10 months ago

I'm just taking some antibiotics for now to stop the swelling.

My doctor never mentioned taking them out. If it happened again it would probably come up, though.

Praying Mantis 13 years, 10 months ago

I hate sore throats and anything related (I get them all the time). I feel your pain, get well soon.