Another Year, Another Project

Posted by David Lindberg on April 14, 2007, 3:19 p.m.

Since this is my first entry, i´m just gonna shout: YAY! YAY! YAY! Oh happy day, (chorus=OH HAPPY DAY!)


Well… Now for the more "serious" thing. A few days ago, i started a game for my bro. Yeah, you heard right. My bro! But hes only six years old (soon seven), so there´s not much violence in the game (if it´s THAT you want). Right now, the game is not so fun to play, as i start with my focus on the graphics. The reason, that i´m actually bloggin´ about this game. Is because this is my first, 100% "me-made" game. That means, i´m doing everything myself (you know… Music, coding, spriting, storyline). The only thing, i´m not doing myself. Is to give me feedback (as that would be REALLY idiotic). I won´t post any screenies for the game, b/c the overall… "Thing" is not finished yet. And when the "thing" is missing, the game can´t be "screenie´d"… Or… It can, but… I won´t do it! But i can still give the storyline (but i din´t think, i´m actually gonna use THIS story… Well, let´s see).


Your name is "Igloo" (that´s me, on the GMC. So you are actually playing as *cyber-me*… lol), and you work at a ice cream factory. Your job, is to invent new ways to produce ice cream. In the intro, you start at your boss´s office. He has a task for you: "Make me a machine, that can convert normal snow, and ice, into ice cream". You go home, wondering: "how the HECK am i gonna do that?". Meanwhile, someplace else, a weird creature is awaken, deep under the factory. It´s BIG, it´s BAD, and it don´t like the factory! Back at your home, the machine is almost completed. That´s where the first level should start: A few parts are missing, and you have to go out and find them. When level one is finished, you´ll get a password, so you can continue from there, next time. After you got your password, a short "movie" starts: The large creature, is smashing through the floor, back at the factory. It´s quickly out of the hole in the floor, and starts to crush the building (Please notice: It´s mad at the factory, because of the machines. The reason that it hates machines, is something i´ll tell in another blog). Back at your house, you hear the noise, and you start to run up against the factory. When you finally stops up infront it, it´s all smashed to peices. Now hundreds of people, have no work, and they just don´t know what they should do (until one of them shouts: HEY FOLKS! LET`S GO PLAY SOME TENNIS! *and then they´ll go play tennis*). You go explore the ruins, and finds your boss (he´s also your dad… Hey! Don´t look at me like that! I just try to add some ambience here.), laying half-death under a rock. You call a ambulance, so he can get "fixed". While you are waiting for the ambulance, your boss starts to talk: ARGH! HOLY ****! WTF was that? Please hunt it down will ya? Thanks… (you slowly go away from him while you still face him) WHAT? You don´t want to do it? You HAVE TO! If you don´t do it, YOU`RE FIRED! Now this is where the machine comes "into the picture". You make some small modifications on it, so it can help you when you try to find the beast (you´re not gonna kill it. Just go talk to it, and figure out "WTF it did that").


Well… That´s mean´t to be the introduction, to the game. I hope you like it! Please comment on it.

EDIT: lol! I crashed the story! It was impossible to build into the game, at it´s current state.


Now for something completely different:


And then again… I lost my motivation… Why? WHY? I always start a game, while i´m thinking: "I´m determined to finish this!". And i end up with: "Erhm… I´ll start another project…"… And then i´ll start another project. Maybe you are wondering: "Why does he even start a project, when he knows it ends up as *Oh, well…*" All i can say about that is… "Atleast, i learn something from each game, and one day, i´m gonna finish a game." That game just has to be great, and get some good critics… I mean… I have used GM for one year, and i haven´t finished a single game. Well… I have to finish atleast one, before i can call myself a true coder. (that means: "You can expect a game from me, anytime soon… I guess…)


Hmmm… It seems like i have forgotten something… Well… I´ll post it as soon as i remember what it is…


I GOT IT! I forgot to tell about the tele-placer. You probably don´t know what it is, but i fealt like telling it anyway: IT WORKS! IT FRIKIN` WORKS! I have been working on it for 2 days, and now it´s fully operational.


The motion-blur sequenses, are also up and running! But i can´t upload any screenies, b/c GIMP has crashed my image-support. So now i can´t view any type of image-files, and i can´t even upload them, as the hosts says: "The type of image, cannot be uploaded" I´m just SO sad about it, and i want to complaint to those frickin´ GIMP-staff!



David Lindberg 17 years, 10 months ago

Uhmmm… yeah!

GamerHippo7 17 years, 10 months ago


Jaxx 17 years, 10 months ago

Lolz BOL!

Cesque 17 years, 10 months ago


LunchTime 17 years, 10 months ago

Hi. Interesting storyline.

David Lindberg 17 years, 10 months ago

Hi. Interesting storyline.
Yeah, i thought so. It was meant to be different, and not the usual "fight the evil army" Or "A monster took your wife". The funny thing is, that i just made up the story, in 5 minutes. So you don´t have to work hard, as long as your imagination is intact.

GMWIZ 17 years, 10 months ago

The reason you start new projects and never finish is because

You just want to make a game thats never been really created yet or a game in a new way and in the near end your like Well this sucks O well i didn't read all of your blog so if this is off topic o well

David Lindberg 17 years, 10 months ago

Actually… I think i will finish this… Or will i? That´s the question!

BTW: Adding screenies soon (in a new entrance, that are about the game)

Nemesis Prime 17 years, 10 months ago

Looks like a good game . . . i made a game for my little bro once, he said it was rubbish. so much for gratitude. PM me when it's finished or you put up a demo.