World Of Debels-RPG4D Entry

Posted by Debels on April 30, 2012, 11:38 p.m.

Since a long time ago i tried to create an MMORPG (really long time), but with every WoD version i made it ended with a big:

Yes, I couldn't finish one because: My code was messy and buggy or lost of interest, So when i readed about RPG4D i thought of the opportunitie for re-starting and completing WoD.

What is WoD about?

World Of Debels or WoD is a mid age based MMORPG where you don't just fight for being the best player you fight for your people and your land's (conquer), Pride Party or Normal Party or maybe Combat Party to defeat the most powerful monster's or player's!

Were currently a team of 3 member's:

Debels: Lead Programmer.

Waseem: Lead Music Composer.

Ahmed: Lead Graphic Designer.

Where I would post the development log's for this project

You can find a lot of information about how I planned for making WoD, but watch out! don't take anything since it's copyrighted material (some mine and some from other people)


Debels 12 years, 9 months ago

Quote: SpectreNectar
So I looked over the screenshots and they show no significant amount of work that couldn't be done in a few hours. They show:

1. A screenshot of sprites of some doors, a trap, masks and the likes, as stated. With a note that these are placeholders.

2. Pretty much the same only with tilesets and 2 or 3 backgrounds.

3. A treeview of the scripts, 12 of them (not counting those used for INI's / DLL's)

4. A font, some objects and two rooms.

5. A screenshot of the main menu room with a comment about the other one being for loading in ressources etc…

Based on all of this I no longer hold any suspicions toward you Debels, and if you ask me we should all stop this behavior instantly.

Here goes:

I was wrong, so please accept this formal apology from me while I punch myself in the nose. I'm really sorry and I feel terrible both for wasting your time like that but also for the way I did it :

To Iasper and whoever else +1'ed or supported these stupid accusations how about apologizing with me?

This guy obviously hasn't been cheating, he just accidentally forgot to update the forum page part where it said it was done in 86 minutes….

Don't worry about it [:)].

Juju 12 years, 9 months ago

There a name for this but I forget:

It's hard to tell the difference between incompetence and malice.

Debels 12 years, 9 months ago

Development log 2 is here:

Quote: 02: Shops, Inventorie Item
Yesterday i didn't post a development log since i was doing a lot of homework for today and tomorrow.

Today i finished the base for the Story for WoD today and made half of it yesterday, but its in Spanish since i used WoD's story as a book my Spanish teacher asked all the class to make, so i found my self grateful with that assignment

-Fixed an Inventorie Bug that made saving/loading system inventory part fail badly xD.

-Added Saving System.

-Added Loading System.

-Fixed a bug that made the inventory load many times and give you unlimited items if you loaded the game a lot of times.

-Added Clean Memory Dll to prevent lag in the future.

-Added Shop system.

-Made an easy Shop creator that lets me create a new shop in 2 click's.

-Polished Inventorie Adding system, now it works faster and better.

-Started creating the first World Of Debels room .

-Added leveling system.

-Started working on stat's system.

I think i made a good progress this past 3 day's, Now I'm almost sure Online System would be implemented before august 1.

Link to topic:

Arcalyth 12 years, 9 months ago


Have fun.

Debels 12 years, 9 months ago


Have fun.

Thanks, A new development log is here:

Quote: 03: Code Polishing, Quest System.
Hi, Today I started working on the Quest System and polished some code.

-Polished Door Code, now only 1 door can be used to move to any location, with 1 extra line of code.

-Added the player place holder .

-Added a play button that creates or loads the game depending if you already have a user (offline mode).

-Added some graphics to the first fortress.

-Started programming the quest system (hopefully i would finish it today).

I would add more content later on.

Debels 12 years, 9 months ago

I know xD, but i had to answer something Q.Q

Debels 12 years, 9 months ago

A new development log is here:

Quote: 04: Fixing bugs and general stats.
Hi, Long time since I posted the last development log, but it was because I had a 1 exams yesterday and today (each day), so i needed to study and also the free time i had i was spending it on a school project I have to finish in 1 month and 5 days.

What i did in the free time i had was:

-Fixed a Door bug that caused the door's too follow the player to next room and when you pressed space (the key that you open doors with) it gave an error.

-Added an object that indicates where the player is going to be when you change room.

-Now you can't walk on top of the Inventorie system.

-Now you can't walk on top of the shops system.

-Now you can't walk on top of the equipment system.

-Now you can't walk outside the room.

-Started building the first shop (room).

If you want to visit the website where i have my school project you can go to: (Nothing interesting to see ATM, but if you want sneak a peak on the style and other features )