Hello There Children

Posted by Demon Key on June 22, 2007, 5:49 p.m.

Just because i don't like that October 02, 2006 date, I'm gonna make another blog.. page.. thingie.

And just because my life sucks and nothing interesting ever happens to me, this is all i've got:

Hi. Today i woke up. Then i ate dinner with my grandparents. Then i went home and watched some TV. Then i programmed a bit. Then i watched some more TV. And here i am.

Oh god, where's my life?

So damn depressing.

Ah well, i'm extremely happy that i will be getting a Wii on monday. It's my first New-Generation Console. It r uber awsum l0l.

Anyways, Enough about me. How was your day?

Please, PLEASE don't answer that as i don't really care unless you're awesome or on my favourite users list.


//////////////SOME MORE ATTRACTION, WOO!!!!////////

K, i also made a lib.

Girder lib. It's for GM7. Don't hate me, it's all i can use because of my damn Vista OS. -_-

Anyways, if you have GM7 and don't mind it:


Ever played worms?

Well, you could build girders, spin them around and walk on them and stuff.

I made a lib for it. *Points at above link*

If you use it, make sure to credit me and Evilish.


Also, today, nice men in white coats will be taking me away for a nice vacation in a place called "Hanwell Asylum". It has small, nice, comfy rooms that are PADDED. Isn't that awesome?

Anybody up for a cookie party?

It's gonna have COOKIES!



OL 17 years, 8 months ago

Hey Chef.

Demon Key 17 years, 8 months ago


OL 17 years, 8 months ago

Hello There Children

Demon Key 17 years, 8 months ago

Woah, i didn't even think of that.

That tickles me fancy in ways you can't imagine.

In fact, it tickles me fancy in places you don't WANT to imagine.

GearGOD 17 years, 8 months ago

Silly Kadaj.

frenchcon1 17 years, 8 months ago


Calm down.

Changed your font, I see ;D

Demon Key 17 years, 8 months ago

The aliens do not like you, FrenchconX.

I asked them why they don't, they replied.

"Honeycombs, lifted up in the skies by french toast."..

I do not know the meaning of this, but my guess is that it's a secret language.

s 17 years, 7 months ago

I think French took all their honey because the aliens evolved from a bee like species

frenchcon1 17 years, 7 months ago

Damn you serprex, you know too much >_>

frenchcon1 17 years, 7 months ago

Quote: A
It wasn't massive, just how I like it.

I don't give a fuck about how you like it, cause it's my fucking page.

It's Kristen ITC, not comic sans, and so far i only got ONE pm saying change it, and guess who that was.

That's right, YOU.

Now shut the hell up. If you don't like it, don't freaking look at it.

Good times, good times…