Revolver, Ye Flask

Posted by DesertFox on Dec. 1, 2006, 6:53 p.m.

To read about a thief, scroll down past everything else



As some of you know, I am working on an unnamed game; I told you all that it was a text-based adventure game - and that is only <b>half true</b>.

While you will end up typing things like "get flask" and recieving text like "You cant get ye flask", it is not solely based on text.

<p aling=center></p>

Forrest, holding a revolver, about to blast a spider

A nice GUI, as you can see, one of the buttons is a duplicate, but that is because I haven't thought of a 9th button.

The textbox can scroll up and down, expand or contract; it can accept commands like "look paper" or "sniff chemicals".

Also, items will respond to many names. gun works the same as revolver, or pistol.

Interesting, no?

GUI overview - pretty much self-explanatory.


<h2 align=center>Rant warning!</h2>


The original text has been removed at the request of a mod, and replaced with a broader piece of text.


I seriously hate thieves. People who steal games and claim them as their own.

Yes, I have found yet another person of this sort…

This isn't the first time I have found someone claiming a large piece of work as their own,

A while back, I found someone had copied, and claimed Damizean's work as their own. Pissed off, I notified the admins, and that was rectified.

Now, I have found yet another person who slips in, and steals credit for work that they didn't do.

There is little I hate more than someone claiming hard work of others as their own. When you work hard, toiling over something, you deserve to be recognized; these people seek to steal your recognition, without doing any of the work. If you work hard, you want to be payed - not to have the money ripped from your hands.


DesertFox 17 years, 10 months ago

Post edited majorly.

chiggerfruit 17 years, 10 months ago

That's alright, i understand what ya mean. But hey, if we're gonna stick together as a community, we can't burn down the place we meet. =D

DesertFox 17 years, 10 months ago

Thanks for the reality check.

Misconstruct 17 years, 10 months ago

Hahaha, awesome. People like, er, whatshisfuck make me sick too. They'd be better off feeding a few starving people. As if those people have the guts to eat such repulsive jackasses.

Cesar 17 years, 10 months ago

So we can't talk about a person just because he joined 64digits?? So if MrKubus joins (God forbid), we won't be able to talk about him?? Honestly, I think that we should be able to talk about 64digits users, since any user can just come online and look for their name O_o

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 10 months ago

Is there a girl named Jennie in your game? If not, you should add one.

flashback 17 years, 10 months ago

I hereby overrule chiggerfruit. Just because they're a 64digits member doesn't mean that we should not reveal them for who they are.

chicklet 17 years, 10 months ago


he should add a girl named angela:)

ha ha ha!!!

so when did you turn 18?