Plasma TV 4 Sale - 40$US OBO

Posted by DesertFox on Dec. 4, 2006, 11:29 a.m.

<table align=center border=5 bordercolor=#888888 bordercolorlight=#aaaaaa bordercolordark=#666666><tr><td><img src=></td></tr></table>

So 3 people on my dorm floor have a Wii. Interesting. One of them already almost broke the wiimote, and another, well, Wii Sports boxing… One of them has Trauma Center: Second Opinion. Interesting game. "Doctor!"

I can't remember if it was here on 64D, or here at college - someone had a friend who bought a Wii. They were playing, and impaled the wiimote into their plasma screen tv by accident. TV is ruined, but the wiimote is okay. Hence the small cartoon.


I am static prone. I got zapped 10 times last night within 3 minutes, heating up some pizza rolls. 7 times by the microwave, once by the water-faucet's handle, <i>and once by the water pouring from the faucet.</i>

You may say "But that's only nine!" and you are correct. After this all happened, I leaned against a nice, safe wall. Drywall, sheetrock. Guess what. ZAP! How the hell do you get shocked by <b>sheetrock</b>?

As I said, I am static-prone; i get zapped by things other people don't. And I get zapped hard. Not a little crackle - a full blown "POP".


So I made some logo for a website I intend to create.

<p align=center><img src=></p>



God, I wish I had Flash - I could do a much better job on my drawings.


Ergo 17 years, 10 months ago

I had a friend who let one slip out of his hand and it pierced the armor of a nearby tank.

Rob 17 years, 10 months ago


HeroofTime55 17 years, 10 months ago

Plasma is just ionized gas, not necessairly superheated gas (Though that is one method of getting plasma). The TV's use "cold plasma," or something like that, I think.

shawn 17 years, 10 months ago

Meh, Im no scientist.

Quietus 17 years, 10 months ago

You said you were gonna mention the pixel face in this blog, DF. :(

takua108 17 years, 10 months ago

I haven't played the Wii yet, but it seems to me that Nintendo should have made the controller more rugged, easier to hold. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks really smooth and shiny. I'd think that if it had more texture to it, it'd be easier to hold and all this BS about flying Wiis would be…um, well it'd still be here because people are retarded, but at least it would be easier to say "you're retarded" to.

Cesar 17 years, 10 months ago

plasma is not just ionized gas O_o

and there's cold plasma, yes, but as in cold, I still mean more than 100 degrees :P