Eternally Damned MSPaint

Posted by DesertFox on Dec. 5, 2006, 3:39 p.m.

I am making a website. It really sucks graphicswise, because I don't have flash nor fireworks, but the layout is great, and my crappy buttons aren't that crappy. Its just that they are all made in eternally damned MSPaint which I can't do buttons or anything in.

I can pixel, and I can do flash somewhat, but buttons in MSPaint? I'm totally screwed.


Someone here on 64D called Mast3rmind, SJF, Rob, and flashback retards because they wouldn't help him. He was asking for DnD help…


A key element in designing a platformer is <i>gravity</i> - oh so important, when your character goes up, you want him to come back down. It is really easy to implement gravity, right? Especially because there is a <i>variable called "gravity"</i>? Wrong.

Seriously, cmon people…


*GASP* Two of the best game series I've ever played were both written by the same person, with crappy graphics. Yahtzee created <a href="">1213</a> and <a href="">1213</a> and the Trilby series, 5 Days a Stranger, 7 Days a Skeptic, and Trilby's Notes. Interesting, fun, with bad graphics on some, better on others, these games have kickass storylines and are definitely worth playing. The 1213 series is like Prince of Persia, and the Trilby Series is a point'n'click type series - though it changes in each of the 3 games. Worth downloading - I enjoyed them very much.


So I am making my own website. I've checked the URL that I want, and it is available - not even the "buy this domain name" type of pages that you sometimes get. So: I am looking for a cheap, fast host, and a good place to register my domain name. Is there any way to register a domain name once, and not have to pay again? So yeah, my website sucks graphically, I can't make good website buttons. I don't have flash nor fireworks, and doing website graphics in MSPaint sucks - its fine for games, but not for websites.

CSS makes it easy to replace/change the graphics though. So whoopee for me.

Anyone here good at website design? I know HTML and thats it - no PHP/Mysql. I expect the basic layout to be up on my RIT college site soon. Then I can link to it and have you all gaze at my crappiness.

Someone gimme Fireworks! NOW DAMMIT! So yeah, hopefully, I can persuade my parents in Texas that they are a neccessity for class, and get them to pay for it somewhat. Probably not.


Oh, and I haven't eaten since 2PM yesterday. I'm still not hungry


Flea1991 17 years, 10 months ago

Lol, I was wondering who it was that has called him that before, but now I know. :P


Josea 17 years, 10 months ago

It is hard to find good website designers that are willing to work <_<

but you can always make a crappy site and force people to like it.

aeron 17 years, 10 months ago

I've never actually learned HTML. One day I just drank a red bull, and now I know it. I designed the <a href="">Gems Website</a> (Chiken wrote the php) I myself am pretty good with php but I'm still learning mysql database queries.

Also, get Photoshop for designing. Some hypothetical advice someone once told me: If you ever find yourself to be short on cash, download the trial version and crack it.

…but you didn't hear that from me…

Kaz 17 years, 10 months ago

One day I just drank a red bull, and now I know it.
That makes so much sense.

HeroofTime55 17 years, 10 months ago

Try using the GM sprite editor :O

Or, if what you're trying to do is have transparent backgrounds… I can't help you there.

Mabye for my next project, when I'm done with MIDI Master, I'll make an image editor :O Nothing quite like wasting hours reading over documentation describing how different files work.

DesertFox 17 years, 10 months ago

ARG. I need CAMD to write my website XD Mine sucks. To change anything would be impossible later.

NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 10 months ago

Someone here on 64D called Mast3rmind, SLF, Rob, and flashback retards because they wouldn't help him. He was asking for DnD help…
I kept re-reading it because the sentence made no sense…but now it does.

Weird, I don't remember… :o

flashback 17 years, 10 months ago

Fox, we can host you here on 64 if you want.

Oh, and you can probably get the educational pricing deal on the macromedia studio, since you're a student. I did, and the ENTIRE STUDIO want less than $400 CAD.

DesertFox 17 years, 10 months ago

@Mastermind - I have gimp, but it crashes every time I do File>New

@fb - sounds great if I can get an actual website put together - its horribly clunky, ugly, and all HTML.

Did I mention I'm writing it in notepad?

I'm also learning art techniques. Bleh - lots of practice.

DesertFox 17 years, 10 months ago

Oh, and @fb - I can get a 5-program deal with Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks,and 2 others for 300$US. Thing is, I'm broke due to buying a new laptop XD.