US Airways - Flight of Doom

Posted by DesertFox on Dec. 26, 2006, 6:16 p.m.

So, here's why you should never use US Airways to fly anywhere.

<font size=32>Ever</font>

First off, we flew from Rochester to Philadelphia, quite uneventfully. We got there at 4:50 for a flight scheduled to board at 5:15 - enough time to stretch legs, grab a bite to eat.

Well, the flight was delayed. And delayed. And delayed. Turns out the connecting flight I was supposed to take didn't even leave Boston until around 8:00. It was supposed to have left around 3. So we waited and waited, and <b>6</b> hours after we were supposed to have boarded, we get on the plane.

Then the captain makes a reassuring statement. "There is something wrong with the aircraft, it will be fixed as soon as possible, should only take a few minutes."

About an hour later, he makes another statement. "We still don't have the problem fixed, we aren't sure what is causing it yet." Oh so reassuring. Half an hour later, he says it is fixed. - <b>seven and a half hours</b> late.

So they get the little push-tram to move the plane away from the loading dock, and we are ready to go. Only, there's a slight problem. See, to take off then, <b>we would have to take the little push-tram into the air with us</b>, because it had gotten stuck to the plane.

It takes a half an hour to detach it, and another half an hour to actually take off. 8 1/2 hours late. But this tale doesn't end there. Such a long wait, and everyone is starving, since we were on the plane around 2 1/2 hours before getting into the air. They start in a little spiel on these little snack-packs they have, describing the contents. Everyone's thoughts were along the lines of "Well, thats nice to get some free food after all this hassle" until at the very end they announce that these snack-packs were 5$USD - these snack-packs that less than a dollar to manufacture. They wouldn't even give us free food.

Upon arriving in Dallas at around 4:00AM, we find that <b>the entire flight's luggage had been left in Philly</b> because some idiot had made a numerical error in the plane's ID#.

I didn't get my luggage until 2 days later, Christmas Day. In compensation for all the hassle, the lost luggage ,and the 8 1/2 hour delay <b>the day before Christmas Eve</b>, we got: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. And they made their employees spend Christmas Day driving around delivering luggage.

So do me a favor, send a letter of complaint to US Airways. I certainly will. I will never fly with them, ever again. And neither should you.


Ironically, I left my minigame submission on my computer at RIT, and couldn't submit it. So bleh.


DarkSoulcalibur 17 years, 9 months ago

i have know idea wat u mean by this… but desertfox, watever u "make" or "say" is usually "reliable" as a resource… or… other things… so watever it is u were talkin about… i'l agree with u, lol :D

DarkSoulcalibur 17 years, 9 months ago

i think…

raketooy 17 years, 9 months ago

LOL what a nice flight.

I once had a Lufthansa flight from Lisbon to Frankfurt, that was late two hours due to bad weather (can't blame them for it). We had a continuation flight from Frankfurt to Helsinki, which had already left when the first flight landed. We had to wait overnight for the next flight to Helsinki, but the airline offered us a room at the airport hotel (5-star :) and a hotel breakfast. So Lufthansa handled the situation a bit better than US Airways, apparently.