Snowy Coldness + Ye Grand 10k Hit

Posted by DesertFox on Jan. 16, 2007, 12:27 p.m.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Demands!!! Were not met!</h2></td></tr></table>Someone had better get a screenshot of my 10k hit! Or I'll have to fake one!

So my 10k hit went by and I didn't get a screen because I got 3 hits in about 10 seconds. So I copied and pasted a 0 over the 2, and viola! 10k Hits :P

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<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Snowy Coldness</h2></td></tr></table>RIT closed classes yesterday. It was the first snow day at RIT in four years. Ironically, it is snowing more today than it was yesterday. The big reason was because it was Martin Luther King Junior Day, and usually RIT has classes that day, But for some reason they closed classes.

It was really icy though. Sliding around and whatnot. Some awesomeness:

<ul><li>If you look under the picnic tables, there are a billion icicles, because the grating makes the perfect chance for them to grow. Its like a bed of nails, only upsidown, and icicles.</li><li>The lampposts have a perfect ring of icicles exactly the same length all the way around, and they are of good length too. The heat from the lightbulbs would melt the snow on top, causing it to drip down the rounded top, making these perfect rings of icicles</li><li>The trees are perfectly encased in a shield of ice about a quarter of an inch thick</li></ul>

Why am I babbling about the snow so much? Remember, I've lived in Texas for 6 years, so I think this is awesome. I need a camera to take pictures!

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Classes and Italian Guy</h2></td></tr></table>Right now I am in my History of Modern Europe class; I just found out I got a 96 on our last exam. Quite an accomplishment, though some people scored higher. This class is one of my favorites though, mainly because the professor is an interesting person.

He is about 70 years old, but he is an extremely animated person. He is always walking around class; one moment he is in the front, the next he is in the back staring right at some random person, saying "Okay?" "You got it?" This is extremely funny because he has a heavy Italian accent. No matter what he is talking about, he is always roaming around the room.

My beautiful notes:

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<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">3 1/2 Day Weekends</h2></td></tr></table>My schedule for Tuesdays and Thursdays is as follows:

<ul><li>7:00 - Wake up</li><li>8:00 - 1st class - Microeconomics</li><li>10:00 - 2nd class - History of Modern Europe</li><li>12:00 - ! - no class for the rest of the day!</li></ul>

So basically on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have to get up really early and have 2 classes in a row, but I have the rest of the day free. I also have Fridays off, so my weekends are from 12:00 AM Thursday to Monday - 3 and a half days! Half a week! I have such a great schedule.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Vengeance</h2></td></tr></table>With the intent of making this a Wall of Text, I am now writing about my laptop. My roommates friends scratched the top of my laptop pretty badly. I'm really pissed off about it. I've been taking very good care of my laptop, making sure it doesn't get damaged, and my roommates jackass friends go and scratch it up.

I got minor revenge by making it so my roommate's laptop played Bananaphone every time he opened a new program. He was clueless on how to fix it - he had to go get someone to show him how to fix it. I'm still really pissed off about it - I've had this laptop all of about 2 weeks, because it was in Texas for a month and a half before I actually got it. What would you do if some jackass scratched up your nice new laptop?

Here's what I'd like to do to him:

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<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Planetary Destruction</h2></td></tr></table>Geocide - destruction of a planet. How do you destroy the planet Earth? There is an interesting webpage that discusses this exact thing. *GASP* an IFRAME!

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<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Who is your Friend?</h2></td></tr></table>Just a quick view of people who have added you to their friends list. Somehow, I have acquired 120 friends.

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<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">So what are you doing with your life?</h2></td></tr></table>Yesterday, I slept about 20 hours, and then some. I slept practically the entire day. I enjoyed that. I think that this is the end of this blog.


Oh, and for those that missed my weird short story, here it is:

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DesertFox 17 years, 9 months ago

Your avatar makes it look like you are jealous of my shmexy blog.

You ass.


Tr00jg 17 years, 9 months ago

A spectacular wall of text! Nice reads… Definitely!

TwistyWristy 17 years, 9 months ago

[GRIN] Sorry, popped into my head, and couldn't resist making a quick picture.

Anyways, cool blog.


DesertFox 17 years, 9 months ago

ROFL @ Twisty

I'm not using JS right no, but I will be!

TwistyWristy 17 years, 9 months ago

Oh, you're using iframes.

Glad you got a laugh out of it anyway [GRIN]


DesertFox 17 years, 9 months ago

Not so fast, DARTH YOSHI! I have unlimited resources at my fingertips! Thats right! I have… T3H INTERNETS!

Oh, and…

<img src="">

TwistyWristy 17 years, 9 months ago

lol @ emoticons


Arcalyth 17 years, 9 months ago


V 17 years, 9 months ago

YEY! It snowed down here too, but not as much ice. I wanted there to be like a 2 inch blanket of ice.

OL 17 years, 9 months ago

What's with the iframe abuse? Oh sorry, I'm no one to speak. But still.