A Small Preview of V3

Posted by DesertFox on Jan. 23, 2007, 7:43 p.m.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url(http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/header_line.PNG) repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">V3 Preview</h2></td></tr></table>Me and Arcalyth were talking on MSN, and I managed to convince him to give me a small preview of V3

You can see the preview here –>

It's a bit blurry, like one of those spaceship photos, but it is HARD EVIDENCE V3 exists! I swear, I saw it with my own two eyes! <i>V3 is coming! I can feel it!</i> It is real! There has been a government cover-up! They're the reason for the V3 delays! It's a conspiracy I say!

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url(http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/header_line.PNG) repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Java - A Nice Hot Cuppa'Joe</h2></td></tr></table>

I have created the base for a game in Java - it supports multiple types of objects with different step events and draw events, basic bounding box collision detection, and responds to keyboard and mouse input. And IT RUNS SO FAST! I'm talking fricken huge fps. Something that runs at 500 fps in gm takes a whole second for something moving at 1px to cross the 512 screen. The java equivalent, on the other hand… Its so fast that by the time the screen refreshes, its gone. My screen refreshes at 70mHz. 70 frames are drawn per second. That means my Java equivalent runs at least <b>70 times faster</b>. Probably a lot more, but I'm too lazy to write up a timer. Plus System.currentTimeMillis is only in milliseconds (not precise enough, I need smaller than millis) and also, the current time in millis is actually only updated every 10 millis or so depending on the computer.

Oh, did I mention the GM equivalent ran at 500 fps? Do the math - 500*(>70)=(>35000). I'm willing to bet it is a hell of a lot higher though, but as I said, I'm too lazy to check. I need nanoseconds to measure its speed :P

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url(http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/header_line.PNG) repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">A Strange Picture</h2></td></tr></table>I have here an interesting picture, does it look real or fake? Is it from a camera, or was it created digitally? Was there actually a picnic table with snow, or this picture from a video game - and what game? Answer… Winner may get something!

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<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url(http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/header_line.PNG) repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">A Small Yet Serious Question of Furries</h2></td></tr></table>No-one be an asshole about this - this is a more serious subject than my usual stuff.

Today, something happened that's happened a few times before. I will be talking on MSN, and someone asked me if I was a furry. That gave me a little pause.

If you don't know what a furry is, it's someone who takes an high interest in anthropomorphic things. Basically, animals with human characteristics, or humans with animal characteristics. So Bugs Bunny, VGCats, Inuyasha, Catgirls, StarFox - even Brian from Family Guy. The stereotype tends to be a rather negative one, though, as some people take it too far and make it a lifestyle - and some people have very weird fetishes. <b>Edit:</b> Kaz describes the extreme stereotype very well, remember that it is a stereotype, just like not everyone in Arkansas is an incestuous hillbilly.

If I am a furry, I am a very moderate one, and definitely not the stereotype. I don't do anything like dress up or anything. I just like foxes. I think it would be cool to have fox ears and tail, but I'd also love to have a billion dollars, the ability to fly, a supermodel for a girlfriend, some cheesecake, and to go into space. And at the moment, only 1 is achievable, so I'll settle for that. Guess which one is achievable! Cheesecake mmmmmmm!

Thoughts on this touchy subject? Any rude comments warrant a large smack with a sledgehammer.


Juju 17 years, 9 months ago

I ask you this:

Why does the table have two shadows when everything else has one?

How come the table's lighter, outermost shadow indicates the sun is to the right of the picture when all other shadows indicate the sun is to the left (Look at the snow on the bench seats)?

How come the styles of the windows on the left and right halves differ so greatly despite being of the same brick colour and type?

There are many very bright spots on the image, like the reflection off a computer screen, how can we explain this?

How come the bricks are so blurry but the definition on the snow and the wall edges are so sharp?

The answer to all is these is that it is computer generated. But, knowing me, it's completely real and I've just made an arse of myself. Deal with it.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 9 months ago

I thought that in the HP film The Chamber of Secrets, when Hermione is turned into a furry/catgirl/whatever you'd classify it as.

*At this point I have a mental image of DF looking at it and saying how he'd like to Ludamad her or something*

Juju 17 years, 9 months ago

Get the sledgehammer.

DesertFox 17 years, 9 months ago

Hahaha @ GHG

So now Luda is an innuendo?

Cesque 17 years, 9 months ago

If I am a furry, I am a very moderate one, and definitely not the stereotype. I don't do anything like dress up or anything. I just like foxes. I think it would be cool to have fox ears and tail, but I'd also love to have a billion dollars, the ability to fly, a supermodel for a girlfriend, some cheesecake, and to go into space. And at the moment, only 1 is achievable, so I'll settle for that. Guess which one is achievable! Cheesecake mmmmmmm!

Let me check if you're on my friends list and ponder whether you shouldn't be ;)

As for the picture - on first glance, I would say it's artificially created, but I really don't know. The style of compression is doing the best at removing any hints. But the building (especially the walls) and the glittering of the snow look a bit weird to me.

TwistyWristy 17 years, 9 months ago

I'd say the picture was artificially created for several reasons.

1. The snow in the windowsill. The overhang means the snow either fell at a slant or was blown in.

Now, if it was windy, the snow would build up more on one side (a.k.a snowdrift).

With slanted snow, there should be more snow clinging to the support bars of the picninc bench.

2. Look how thick the snow is on the bench. It's depth should still be the same as the ground level, which draws me to the conclusion that the picnic bench was faked.

3. Shadows.

Why is the shadow so jagged udner the bench?

And how is the shadow from the windowsill going one way, the picnic bench another.


HeroofTime55 17 years, 9 months ago

There's not as much snow under the bench because it's all on top of the bench.

Kenon 17 years, 9 months ago

>_> Freaking Half Life 2 Gary's Mod pic. No duh.

What idiot can't tell THAT?

Alert Games 17 years, 9 months ago

Its fake. Cause if it was real, nobody would care.

ElementalWarrior01 17 years, 8 months ago

lol fake… or maybe a mix of real and fake… HMMMM?