
Posted by DesertFox on Feb. 2, 2007, 2:38 p.m.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url(http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/header_line.PNG) repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Lotsa Anime</h2></td></tr></table>First off, I watched all 51 episodes of Full Metal Alchemist in 4 days. Japanese version with subtitles. Original versions are awesome, anything else sucks. I watched 1-25 on the first day, 26-40 on the second, was too busy on the third, and finished up on the fourth.

As you can tell, I have lots of free time.

Major Hughes and Armstrong are by far the funniest characters. If you've watched FMA, you'll know why.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url(http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/header_line.PNG) repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Java and Batch Files</h2></td></tr></table>I've written up a couple of batch files, and want to be able to run them from a java file. Unfortunately, it isn't as easy as it originally sounded. It will be interesting figuring it out.

So in other news my Java Game Engine is beautiful. I think I should make a simple platformer with it and post it here to let you view my awesomeness. I will have to do that soon, definitely.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url(http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/header_line.PNG) repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Stuff on my Computer</h2></td></tr></table>Somehow, I have the entire first season of Stargate SG1 on my computer, and I didn't know that. My friend Ben went psycho last night and filled my computer with random stuff.

<ul><li>Hitman: Blood Money</li><li>Random Music</li><li>Many many Freakazoid episodes</li><li>The first 25 Bleach episodes</li><li>Something called FireFly</li><li>and about 12 movies, including Farscape, A Scanner Darkly, all 3 Matrix movies, etc</li></ul>

And that is just the stuff I know about. His computer is fried, and so now he is using my PC.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url(http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/header_line.PNG) repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Random</h2></td></tr></table>Who made the "YOU DESERVE NO LUNGS" animation? Some guy makes a horrible joke, and the other guy rips out the first guy's lungs? I wanted to show it to someone, but couldn't find it. So post it if you can find it.


<ol><li>Why isn't V3 out yet?</li><li>Why is melee so fat?</li><li>Have I asked this question before?</li><li>Why can't I find my flashdrive</li><li>Why is the sky blue?</li><li>Have I asked this question before?</li><li>Does anyone ever remember that I have a moustache?</li><li>What color are your eyes?</li><li>Have I asked this question before?</li></ol>


tylerthemiler 17 years, 8 months ago

1. Donuts

2. Donuts

3. Donuts

4. Donuts

5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky

6. I don't know

7. Nope

8. Blue

BTW, Firefly is amazing. I think it turns your voice into code (for speaking promps).

Acid 17 years, 8 months ago

for(i=0; i<9; i+=1;) draw_text(x+2,y+i*14,string(i+1)+'. Yes.');

blueBX 17 years, 8 months ago

1. Because it's V3

2. Coke

3. Yes

4. Because it's inside your head

5. because i'm blue

6. No

7. Yes

8. What color is your tail?

9. Have I asked this question before?