<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url(http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/header_line.PNG) repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Hai!</h2></td></tr></table>Hai!
<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url(http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/header_line.PNG) repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Things</h2></td></tr></table>Stuff has happened over the weekend - lots of stuff. But first, something I found out a few weeks ago. My high school is using GM because of me. My Multimedia teacher found out about it because I used it in class, and decided to add it to his curriculum. That's right, me. Not you, or you, or even you. So that is awesome.My roommate moved out and I got a new one. Horror of horrors, it's my friend Ben. I don't know if it is good or bad. Since his laptop broke, he is putting his stuff on my computer. So I get tons of random anime (hooray for excel saga) but I also find stuff with titles like Sexual Harassment Panda (worry not, it is an episode of South Park). So out with the drunk party-guy, in with the spastic psycho.<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url(http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/header_line.PNG) repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Hitman</h2></td></tr></table>I've been playing Hitman: Blood Money - an interesting game. In 'Till Death Do Us Part', if you climb up the spiral stairs when the guards are shooting at you, the AI can't climb the stairs, so you can throw the mine down and detonate it, killing them all. And since the guards tend to swarm, that means around 15 kills. Also in that level, the guests at the wedding will also attack you, since you are in 'redneck country'. So I ended up massacring around 35 people. Seriously, one of the bridesmaids was blasting at me with a shotgun.<p align=center>
Wait a second, your friend knows the password to your username why? Change it and it solves all your "space disappearence" problems. XD
I would like to try Blood Money. It looks cool.I have KOTOR but I can't play it because something on my pc that I can't remember is too old and I need a new one. :PI wish I could find a copy of the pc MGS because its awesome. I have MGS3:Subsistence for ps2 though.Theres a few MGS PC version torrents floating around the net, if you're into torrents. I also remember seeing that there's also a rare version of MGS 2: Substance on PC too.
He has MGS 1 & 2 - the CDs, not torrents :P They are very rare, and he holds them precious.
You never made a blog mentioning Children of Men. ;_;
And someone needs to change their screenname to "Sexual Harassment Panda".<3 Hitman
Posted Addendum re:Quietus

ZOMG! YOU'RE IN LINK'S AWAKENING DX! :OI have that game. I noticed that too. I just kept it secret. XD
Also, the current progress in that screenie sucks.