I'm in a Cirimatch, hooray for me - thats where I got my new avatar - hooray for a cute anime desertfox. Shading courtesy of Andes (aka monkeys), he's a really good guy.
So REZ has resigned from moderatorship - yet another person. Pretty soon 64D is going to be short-handed. The long arm of the law, short handed? Oh, such a horrible pun…Right now I'm watching Jason and the Argonauts. Before that I watched Hollow Man 2 - and I'm about to watch Hollow Man. Interesting and fun. Fun fun fun…I also finally decided to buy Half Life 2 and woo is it fun. I love picking up the can and throwing it at the guard right at the beginning. And lots of other random stuff too. I can't help but think of Concerned - one of my favorite webcomics.Here is a nice picture of a kitty!<p align=center>
How much did you buy half life 2 for?
Concerned was an awsome webcomic
@ Arek - 30 bucks - not to bad.
Wow, without REZ we have like 5 mods!
That is why you don't ingest fetus kitties!
we have only 2 mods, kevboh and twisterghost >_>
Cool I'm thinking about buying this after I get crack down on Tuesday.
@MrPacman: You forgot Arcalyth, Chiggerfruit, and ludamad.
<img src='http://64digits.com/users/Kaz/link.jpg' width='200' height='200'>