Apparently I am broken. I guess I hurt myself when I fell down those damn stairs. Oh noes! Am I broken? If so, immediate repairs are needed! Or a bottle of cola!
<hr>Man how I miss quesadillas! I used to have this little quesadilla maker, like a circular griddle - I used to make quesadillas all the time. Real quesadillas. But ever since I got here in good 'ol New York, I haven't had any decent Mexican food whatsoever. When I say <i>decent</i> I <i>mean</i> decent. Seriously, I had a so-called quesadilla the other day, and it had <i>lettuce</i> inside of it! <B>Lettuce</b> in a <b>quesadilla</b>. Bleurgh - soggy lettuce. Also. they had huge chunks of tomatoes, and basically no cheese. No cheese? Yep. I had to hunt around to find it. Quesadillas are supposed to have <i>lots</i> of cheese. It's in the freakin' name! Though I did have some good steak recently. I still miss good chimichangas and real burritos. Hell… The <i>Taco Bell</i> in my home in Texas makes better Mexican food than they do here!They do have some pretty good Asian food though. Even so, The Wall (chinese food place back in Texas) has the best. >_>
You know what Asia has the best Asian food XP!
I also like quesadilla's. Me gusta con queso y carne.
I have somecokecola you couldbuyhave.It's funny because I just ate a quesadilla. Guess what? No lettuce. :D
I've never eaten a quesadilla, a taco, or any other of these mexican foods, mmmmkay?
"When I decent I mean decent"
Did you forget a word maybe?@ Rob *indignant cough* I don't know what you are talking about!
MY quesadillas are two taco shell things and tons of cheese.
I love cheese…@Tyler - definitely. Hotsause, fajita chicken, ton-o-cheese.
Ironically, you seem to know more about mexican food than I do…and I'm supposed to be a latinamerican.
Cooooome baaaack to Texaaaas!
It's just not the-*gets shot*