Lime For Lemon = Mod?

Posted by DesertFox on March 12, 2007, 8:56 p.m.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Limes and Lemons</h2></td></tr></table>Happiness for all! There shall be lemons, free for all, for I am a mod. I don't know what moderatorship has to do with lemons, but I'm sure there must be a link. And not only will there be lemons, but there will also be limes!

So when a few people noticed, I got more than a few IMs.

Most conversations went as such:

Other: OMG! No wai!

Me: Wai!

Other: No wai!

Me: Wai!

… 50 lines later

NO WAI! WAI! etc…

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Wut?</h2></td></tr></table>Tomorrow is a special day! What day is it? It is 1337 day. Tomorrow is the thirteenth of March, 2007. 13/3/7! *does a little dance*

I've been spending too much time on Its hilarious. Go there.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Docking</h2></td></tr></table>I'm using that Stardock Object Dock that Kaz was talking about. It is awesome. I've never liked the Windows taskbar - I think it is a relic.

The taskbar was good for yonder years back, when computers couldn't handle lots of programs running at once. Now it isn't uncommon to have 5 programs going, or more. I've had 20 different programs running and that fills up your taskbar. The taskbar is a relic, it is big and bulky, unneeded and unnecessary. When you are running only one or two programs, it still takes up a bunch of space, when you only need a little. Also, the concept of navigating through the start menu to find the programs you want to use is annoying, as the 'commonly used programs' list is limited in size. The Stardock is much better, with its tabbed trays and interface - I find it much better looking, and useful than an ugly taskbar. Ask Kaz about it - it's nice.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Zombies</h2></td></tr></table>So who here likes Zombies? I just finished reading The Zombie Survival Handbook, a very good book, by Max Brooks. Definitely an interesting read, it outlines how to survive in a zombie infested world. It's a very serious book, considering its subject.

Also, would you believe me if I told you that Bladerunner, the movie starring Harrison Ford, is based on a novel called "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick. The movie left out quite a bit of understory, especially the bit about Mercer, and the entire Electric Sheep thing. If anyone here has read Philip K. Dick, you'll know his style. Sci-fi from the sixties. I love old sci-fi. I've been compiling a library of e-books, and have quite a large number of them by now.

Here's a list of my e-books, or at least some of the authors - I have over 150 books/short stories:

<ul><li>Asimov, Isaac - quite a lot of his books, 30 or so at least</li><li>Dick, Philip K. - again, quite a lot, maybe 10 by him</li><li>Rice, Anne - yes, the vampire lady lots of her</li><li>Pratchett, Terry - all discworld, + 3 more, as well as a book coauthored by:</li><li>Gaiman, Neil - author of Neverwhere, a good book, as well as some others</li><li>Farmer, Philip Jose - Riverworld anyone?</li><li>Asaro, Catherine - more obscure, wrote these great futuretech-novels</li><li>Burroughs, Williams - ^_^</li><li>Banks, Ian M - a ton by him</li><li>Lovecraft, H P - spookeh, most of his stories</li><li>Heinlein, Robert - all of his books, or most of them anyways. The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, Starship Troopers, etc</li><li> Pynchon, Thomas - never read anything by him, but I have some</li><li>And many more, including Koontz, Verne, Crichton, LeGuin, Rand, and Clarke.

Oh, and some Vonnegut.

So I have quite a bit to read now. I'm very happy.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Mario</h2></td></tr></table>Look at Mario in a new perspective, mkay?

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Kaz 17 years, 7 months ago

Our convo was better >_>

[9:42:36 PM] &#1180;&#955;ž: You will make a good wife one day

[9:42:52 PM] &#1076;m&#511;&#1071;þ&#1106;&#1108;&#337;&#956;š &#358;: =O

LoserHands 17 years, 7 months ago

Holy shit! Mario just fucking <i>crushed</i> that goomba!

DFortun81 17 years, 7 months ago

Koontz is teh shit. Nice pic, DF.

marbs 17 years, 7 months ago

Yay, flying turtle. Great picture.

Here in england it is 13/3/7 [:D]

Crane-ium 17 years, 7 months ago

haha, that mario pic…is…pretty…awesome…and that goomba being squished is rather disgusting looking…

Bladerunner was an awesome movie!

Congratulations on being a mod now

Rob 17 years, 7 months ago
Alx 17 years, 7 months ago

lol Mario on crack

Cesque 17 years, 7 months ago


"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" is a great book.

Castypher 17 years, 7 months ago

Yay, DF! I knew you were going to be one of the next mods.

DarkSoulcalibur 17 years, 7 months ago

lol mario. You should try to get a zelda(link), metriod(samus), or another video game character's picture like that. Looks a little creepy… but kinda kool. :D